I had always believe in words of wisdom to bring me some motivation, be it whether it's during my ups or downs. The most important one being THINK POSITIVE. I am not a very positive person but suffice to say that with some naiveity still left in me, I managed to think a little bit more positive than some of my friends. But somehow I realized I haven't really been very positive lately.

I rejoiced knowing that I managed to transfer the posts in my Friendster blog to here but later on only did I realize that I didn't transfer the Pages over here. Aisehman, I had some very meaningful quotes from there. But never mind, will continue to post up more I guess. So here are some those which I had recently read through, but no quotation though as I picked them from emails forwarded by friends...

The only man who never makes a mistake
is the man who never does anything.

A gem is not polished without rubbing,
Nor a man perfected without trials.

Falling down is not defeat,
Defeat is when you refuse to get up.

Forget about that people in your past,
They didn't make it to your future for a reason.

A true friend
is someone who says
nice things behind your back.

Even if you are on the right track,
You will get run over if you just sit there.

There is no pillow
so soft as a clear conscience.

We never stand taller than
when we stoop down
to help someone who had fallen.

My favorite is this:
Don't just look, OBSERVE
    Don't just swallow, TASTE
Don't just think, FEEL
Don't just exist, LIVE

Why? Because it reminds me to strive to make the best out of everything, and don't just stop until the part where we should if there is more that we can do or contribute to. Which reminds me of two more quotes, also my favorite:

Luck is where preparation meets with opportunity.

The best preparation for the future is to do the best in the present.

More quotes coming up if I can find the time to do it (so lame... :p)

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