18 October 2012

Think Higher

A man saw a poor boy looking at his beautiful and expensive car; so he offered the boy a ride...

After the drive,

Boy: Your car is so marvellous, it might be so expensive?! How much does it cost?
Man: I don't know, my brother has given it to me!
Boy: Wow so nice of him...
Man: I know what you're thinking. You also want  a brother like him.

Moral: Always think and act higher than people's expectations.

17 October 2012

Staying with Aunt

Seems like I keep on moving from one place to another this year. First I moved out from my Mak Mandin rented room because I started to feel bored living there. Just when I had paid the deposit to rent a room in Juru, my aunt invited me to move to her house since her right and left neighbors have moved out, sort of like as a companion, I guess.

But she will be moving out soon too since she sold her house to a potential buyer already, only waiting for bank to reimburse the loan. Since I am planning to move out from Mak Mandin anyway, and no harm living with my aunt for a short period, I agreed to it. Aunt won't want to take rental from me though. Her intention was to look for a house to buy in island so that her daughter can move in to stay with her as well. Till then, she will rent from others until she finds a suitable house.

Just last week, she told me that she found a house for rent nearby, also in mainland and asked if I would like to move in with her. My initial intention was actually to stay with her until her house was passed to the new buyer and then I will either move back to Kulim or rent the room from Terence, a hiking kaki I am comfortable with.

I didn't say much but yesterday aunt told me she paid the deposit already and will be moving into the new rented house by mid November. Just one month away! I will say it's a rash decision since she doesn't even have to hand in the house yet. But then she mentioned sooner or later she will need to move out. I was just thinking, since you still have a place to stay, why not spare yourself from the extra commitment?

Nevertheless, I will staying with her, there are two rooms and will be paying her rental. And an additional Rm30 for parking / month. Sigh, I thought I wouldn't want to incur any extra expenses but hey, who knows if I will like this place huh, fingers crossed. Aunt said there is a garden on the 4th floor. Hmm... I will take that as a perk especially if I can just sit there during evening, taking in the evening breeze.

Looking forward to it. But really, if I am staying in that area, might as well I travel to and fro from Kulim since it's only an additional 15 min away. But hey, I shouldn't be complaining much. New environment brings new excitement! I can learn a few things from staying longer with aunt still...

Companion - someone to talk to when I feel down or  want to share something interesting
Lack privacy
Eating companion
Different living habits - bad habits die hard
Taking care of each other - an extra helping hand in times of need
Need to be extra tolerant and courteous since we are relatives
Discipline myself in the presence of others
Feel a bit fake since I am being extra courteous
Can share some wardrobe items, accessories, or spare toiletries when run out of stock
Outing companion - visit fair or exhibition together

I have listed the pros and cons of staying with a relative and hey, it seems like there are more advantages than disadvantages after all... So I should be grateful right? But bear in mind this is already the 3rd time I will be moving out. Lucky I don't bring much things with me, but still... the packing and unpacking thingy sounds tiring...

16 October 2012


With cars so easily available and accessible, we hardly walk nowadays. Some even go the extent of driving to the store which was just about 5 min walk away. I have seen that for myself during my uni years. I on the other hand prefer to walk whenever I can, though I don't go for the staircase to avoid the lift. Ascending staircase is always my weakness. Descending staircase... I have no problem with that.

I think I've seen people hanging out a small display in their car, something about walking 10,000 steps a day. I have that too, but couldn't figure out where I'd dumped it already. Might still be in my room, or it might have ended up in the dustbin already. Can't deny that walking does bring about plenty of health benefits. So are some to be shared, also from Yahoo News...

1. Increases Your Lifespan
A 2011 study looking into 27,738 participants between 40 and 79 years old over 13 years shows that walking for more than an hour a day improves life expectancy significantly.

2. Wards Off Diabetes
2002 study - 30 min walk can prevent type 2 diabetes. Overweight people are at higher risk.
2007 study - min 1 mile walk cuts your risk of death from all causes in half.

3. Keeps Your Mind Sharp
Walking 6 - 9 miles a week increases grey matter and lowers risk of cognitive impairment or trouble with concentration, memory and thought. To those already suffering from Alzheimer's or mild cognitive impairment, 5 miles walk per week will protect the memory and learning area of the brain, slowing the decline in memory loss.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure
30 min walk, 3 - 5 days a week can significantly lowers blood pressure.

5. Good Bone Health
1994 study - walking a mile a day improves bone density in post-menopausal women, slowing bone loss rate from the legs.

6. Cuts The Risk Of Stroke
12.5 miles walk a week cuts the risk of stroke in half.

7. Improves Your Mood
When you're feeling down, just 30 min on a treadmill reduces tension and depression, lifting moods faster tan anti-depressants (with fewer side-effects too).

8. Torches Calories
Daily 20 min walk burns 7 pounds a year, giving more dramatic effect when coupled with dietary changes.

9. Improves Insomnia
A brisk 45 min walk in the morning 5 days a week can improve sleep significantly. An evening walk, however, have an opposite effect. So keep an eye on when you're exercising and what your sleep patterns are.

10. Good For Heart
Brisk walk for 3 or more hours a week reduces heat disease risk of women by 30 - 40% (according to a study of 72,000 women aged 40 - 65). A different study showed that the risk is cut to half for men aged 71 - 93.

So what are we waiting for? Walk now, bring umbrella or wear cap if you want, but walk! Dump your motorised vehicle for a short while and soak in the joy of walking.

And hey, one last thing, walk the talk... it's still a walk, but in a different manner, which is very important if you want to achieve something.

Treat The Elders With Respect

Was in Klang last weekend, to attend a colleague's wedding dinner in Pulau Ketam which also coincides with my working trip in HQ on Monday. So basically, there's no transportation cost for my trip for the wedding dinner, thanks for the ISO thingy. It was a very interesting experience...

First time:
a) having early wedding dinner, at 5.45pm.
b) attending wedding dinner in Pulau Ketam.
c) taking boat to and from a wedding dinner.
d) different dish altogether for a wedding dinner, yummy too!

It's a trip worth the experience I will say. You bet I slept like a log the whole night. True enough, I woke up early the next morning for a jogging session. I have to start somewhere since Penang Bridge Run is only a month away.

Sad to say that I only lasted 12 min, not enough determination I guess. That's why I must force myself to kick start my jogging session. I walked around the park, which is quite huge and when it got so sunny, I decided to jog for another 5 min before I stopped again.

When I jog, I don't really like to stop and then continue jogging. I'd rather do the running one short, as in if I stop jogging, there won't be anymore jogging afterwards. In this case, it's different since I jogged for such a short time and it was sunny.

Just when I was about to finish my round around the park, from afar I saw an old lady in a wheelchair, holding a hat in front of her face, against the sun. I was wondering where was her caretaker. She couldn't be possibly wanting a sun-bathing experience at that hour since she is holding the hat.

A turn to the right told me that her maid actually had the gut to leave the old lady by the sidewalk there, chatting with a maid from another house. I was intending to ask the old lady if she wanted me to push her to a shady area.

Instead, when I was approaching her, she spoke out first: 'Useless maid... really useless'... Enough said, I don't even have to do anything. The maid rushed to the old lady upon seeing a stranger (me) approaching the old lady. I just said: 'Panas tau' and walked away.

But when I turned around to check on the old lady's condition again, I really felt like throwing my shoe over to the maid. She changed the wheelchair direction so that it's no longer hot but she was still standing by the sidewalk, talking to the other maid in the other house.

My God, don't you have a conscience, letting an old lady sitting there, waiting for you to finish your chat? Well, of course I wasn't in her position, so I wouldn't know why would the maid even do that, but at least I'd learnt enough Pendidikan Moral and I always have a strong sense of respect for the elders.

I may not talk much to the elders but I know enough respect not to cause any inconvenience to them. They have served their years to their children and younger generation well and deserve a better treatment.

So to those who have ever thought of hiring a maid or even sending the elders to the old folk home, do consider their feelings beforehand. Even if you really have to do that, do remember to check on their conditions from time to time. You wouldn't want to end up like that in your coming golden years...

9 October 2012

You Can Be Right or You Can Be Married

I read this article some time ago and I actually printed out the gist to remind me to blog about this. It might be from a book or an article titled Lessons for Marriage, Learnt from Divorce, not sure though but the source is from Yahoo News.

1. Show Your True Self
> accelerate the inevitable, afterall, it's all going to come out eventually.
> there's no valour in putting on a brave face, it's still a mask like an other.
> have a courage to be vulnerable.

2. Be Honest
> telling the truth is so much easier.
> every lie requires a lifetime of maintenance.

3. Be Alert
> don't paint the red flags white.
> complacency leads to avoidance > withdrawal > resentment > adultery > divorce.

4. Fight Fair
> getting along is easy but we need to learn how to fight fairly and productively.
> no point harping on past issues.

5. Make An Effort
> unconditional love it for children and pets.
> in romantic relationships, we need to earn it - and re-earn it - all the time.
> and that's a good thing.

6. Talk About Sex
> discuss the dirty.
> know each other's sexual boundaries.
> explore the fantasies, whatever they are, because if we don't, they're just going to get played out somewhere else.

7. Sweat The Small Stuff
> death by 1000 paper cuts is far more common than getting stabbed in the back.
> at some fundamental level we are what annoys us, so if something is bugging us, say it. Nicely.

8. Stay True To Yourself
> compromise is essential but too much can be dangerous.
> can't change who we are to please somebody else.
> nobody can do that for us.
> it's best to love with abandon, sure, but we can't abandon our self in the process.

9. Spouse Is Your Best Friend
> give them the space you would give a friend.
> give them the respect you would give a friend.

For a relationship to work, we need these:
love > trust > respect > commitment > compassion > communication
similar goals > kindness > honesty > consideration > compromise

8 October 2012

New Mission

Before: 55 - 57 kg
Now: 58 - 60 kg
Target: 58 kg

Pathetic, fat accumulates mostly in tummy area, as waist-to-hip ratio was slightly higher than the recommended ratio.

Reduce weight and maintain at 58kg, nothing more, can be less.

1. Diet control
> portion control.
> lesser carbo.
> try hard on smaller meal portion after 8pm (slightly hard since it's quite late after sports or work).

2. Exercise
> stick to weekly hiking and badminton sessions.
> can consider resume jogging, in view of upcoming Penang bridge marathon in Nov.
> still thinking whether to resume yoga classes.
> swimming... perhaps can consider... new year wishes but unlikely to happen this year.

Mission Abandoned

5kg weight reduction within 3 months

End Jul - End Sep 2012

Achieve healthy lifestyle habits e.g. exercise & diet intake (portion control)

Potential obstacles:
1. Heavy meal loaded with carbo.
2. Big portion.
3. High meal frequency intake.
4. SUPER SPEED eating pattern.

Reward > Challenger may request for whatever he wants

Punishment > 1 month curfew without physical or media contact


Serving the sentence with some lee ways given (meeting towards weekends, already 2 weekends in a row).

1. Miss badly but no contact allowed.
2. Would like to hammer in the message: It's not the weight that matters, it's the lifestyle and eating habits.
3. Unfair punishment to the 'darer' (got punished along), should go for monetary punishment instead.

Dear, if you are reading this, do note on the last one. *wink wink*

p/s: Miss out to include follow-up action during the "dare", i.e. continue punishment until mission is accomplished. I don't think I can stand this kind of punishment any further though!

2 October 2012

10 W.O.R.D.S

The most selfish ONE-letter word
Avoid it
The most satisfying TWO-letter word
Use it
The most poisonous THREE-letter word
Overcome it
The most used FOUR-letter word
Value it
The most pleasing FIVE-letter word
Keep it
The fastest spreading SIX-letter word
Ignore it
The hardest working SEVEN-letter word
Achieve it
The most enviable eight-letter word
Distance yourself from it
The most powerful NINE-letter word
Acquire it
The most valued TEN-letter word
Maintain it

Words of Wisdom

The most destructive habit ... Worry
The greatest joy ... Giving
The greatest loss ... Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work ... Helping others
The ugliest personality trait ... Selfishness
The most endangered species ... Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural reserves ... Our youth

The greatest 'shot in the arm' ... Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome ... Fear
The most effective sleeping pill ... Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease ... Excuses

The most powerful force in life ... Love
The most dangerous act ... Gossip
The world's most incredible computer ... The brain
The worst thing to be without ... Hope

The deadliest weapon ... The tongue
The two most power-filled words ... 'I can'
The greatest asset ... Faith
The most worthless emotion ... Self-pity

The most beautiful attire ... A SMILE!
The most prized possession ... Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication ... Prayer
The most contagious spirit ... Enthusiasm

Life ends ... when you stop  Dreaming
Hope ends ... when you stop Believing
Love ends ... when you stop Caring
And Friendship ends ... when you stop Sharing!!!

That's why I am sharing this...

The Balance Sheet of Life

To those of you who had learnt some super basic accounting before, I believe you will like this...

Our Birth is our Opening Balance
Our Death is our Closing Balance
Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities
Our Creative Ideas are our Assets

The Heart is our Current Asset
The Soul is our Fixed Asset
The Brain is our Fixed Deposit
Thinking is our Current Account

Achievements are our Capital
Character & Morals are our Stock-in-Trade
Friends are our General Reserves
Values & Behaviour are our Goodwill

Patience is our Interest Earned
Love is our Dividend
Children are our Bonus Issues
Education is our Brand / Patent / Intellectual Property

Knowledge is our Investment
Experience is our Premium Account
The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately
The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award

Have you achieved a balanced life.... I mean a balanced account yet?