29 August 2012

8 Signs of an Extraordinary Boss

Read this in Yahoo quite some time ago, been wanting to share this but kept on delaying it. This was written by Geoffrey James (Apr 23, 2012 article)...

1. Business is an ecosystem, not a battlefield.
They see business as a symbiosis where the most diverse firm is most likely to survive and thrive, creating teams that adapts easily to new markets and can quickly form partnerships with other companies, customers and even competitors.

2. A company is a community, not a machine.
They see their company as a collection of individual hopes and dreams, all connected to a higher purpose. They inspire staffs to dedicate themselves to the success of peers and therefore to the community - and company - at large.

3. Management is a service, not control.
They set general direction and commit to obtain the resources for staffs to execute. They push decision making downward, allowing teams form their own rules and intervening only in emergencies.

4. My employees are my peers, not my children.
They treat every staff as if he or she were the most important person in the firm. Excellence is expected everywhere, from the loading dock to the boardroom. The result? Employees at all levels take charge of their own destinies.

5. Motivation comes from vision, not from fear.
They inspire people to see a better future and how they'll be part of it. As a result, staffs work harder because they believe in the organisation's goals, truly enjoy what they're doing and know they'll share in the rewards.

6. Change equals growth, not pain.
They see changes as inevitable. While they don't value change for its own sake, they know that success is only possible if staffs and organisation embrace new ideas and new ways of doing business.

7. Technology offers empowerment, not automation.
They see technology as a way to free human beings to be creative and to build better relationships. They adapt their back-office systems to the tools, like smart phones and tablets, that people actually want to use.

8. Work should be fun, not mere toil.
They see work a something that should be inherently enjoyable - and believe therefore that the most important job of manager is, as far as possible, to put people in jobs that can and will make them truly happy.

24 August 2012

Choosing Your No.2

Been keeping myself away from FB recently and so far it seems to work though the hands itch at times. I have resumed my reading routine especially since I have quite a number of magazines piling on my desk, waiting for me to flip open and dig into their contents. Today I have come across an article from Fortune Aug 13, 2012 edition, written by Jack and Suzy Welch on "Looking for a Great No.2?" I will skip on the American politic part to the best I could.

They listed 6 qualities that you must look for before you pick your No.2 (No.2 refers to the best man available after the leader of an organization, may be referring to vice-president, deputy director, etc, you got what I mean. Let's use the term vice-president in this context, to make description easier):

> First, a vice-president must be able to be president.
From day one alone, and not eventually. It creates confidence and sends out the message that the bottom will never fall our of the system. A No.2 should be able to take over the helm from No.1 without hesitation.

> Second, a vice-president can't be a clone of the president.
There's just no point. A No.2 must have different skills and abilities from No.1's, as meaningful as they are complementary.

> Third, A second in command has to have guts.
Why? Because No.2 has the profound responsibility to look No.1 in the eye and deliver the awkward, unpleasant, and even painful messages that no one else can: "This is what people are thinking but not telling you" or "You might come off too strongly in that meeting. To some people, it probably looked as if you weren't listening". A No. 2 needs certain fearlessness, an attitude born of self-confidence and candor.

> Fourth, A VP has to project gravitas and be a signifcant presence, but cannot overshadow the president.
The leader needs to be the focal point for the organization - fully aware and in charge. Appearances matter, also related to confidence in the system.

> Fifth, The VP has to be a real partner to the President - keeping confidences and blocking attempts from below to divide and conquer.
Organization is always filled with politicking and intrigue. We can't have a VP's office that is a place to shop ideas or slip initiatives through. Even if they disagree - which they should - in public, the VP and President must stand as one.

> Finally, A No.2 should ideally help bring a critical constituency into the fold.
It sounds awfully political but there are always factions to dealw ith, from the sales force tot he techies. In business, as in picking the second most powerful person in the land, politics matters.

Jack and Suzy Welch are Reuters columnist. Jack was the CEO of General Electric for 21 years and is the founder of the Jack Welch Management Institution at Strayer University. Suzy is an author, speaker, and former editor of the Harvard Business Review.

23 August 2012

The Story Behind US 2012 Drought

Already I am feeling wiser from reading the TIME magazine. Here is another input for US drought which can greatly affect world market since it's affecting crops such as corns, wheats and soy beans. Excerpt taken from TIME Aug 13, 2012 issue.

2012 has been the driest year for US in recent memory. Meteorologists call drought the creeping disaster because unlike hurricanes and tornadoes, droughts unfold in slow motion, day after dry day. The 2012 flash drought, though, is proving to be anything but a slow burn. From mid June to mid July, drought gobbled up cropland at an alarming rate, pushing the amount of land under severe drought from 17% to 39% of the continental US.

Bone-dry weather combined with high temperatures, sucked the moisture from the air and the soil, toasting America's breadbasket. Crops are wilting in Corn Belt states, where some farmers have already given up on a harvest. According to USDA, only 24% of corn crop is rated good / excellent whereas 48% is rated poor / very poor. Corn prices rise to $8.20 a bushel, compared to less than $7 a bushel at this time last year.

The torrid weather can't hit at a possibly worse time, when the grain stockpiles are unusually low, increasing pressure on prices. If the drought lingers, we can expect to see costlier food in US and, even worse, in developing nations where hundreds of millions already go hungry. We've seen this before. Sharp spike in food prices in 2007 and 2010 helped fuel riots and even possibly sparked Arab Spring.

While farmers are the first victims of drought, a lot has changed. For one, today's American farmers are doing well: due to high crop prices, fed by growing incomes in overseas market like China and by mandates for corn ethanol. Farmland in Midwest was going for 10 times as much per acre (0.4 hectares) as it was a decade ago. There are only ~1.2 million farmers in US now, compared with 6.8 million in 1935 but they tend to be better off than the  average American.

In fact, some farmers may benefit from the drought. Growers in the northern reaches of Corn Belt were spared from the worst, hence are able to take advantage of record prices. But even those farmers who have given up on their field, won't go under, thanks to subsidised crop insurance. 85% of all planted land in US is covered by some crop-disaster insurance. Insurance plans with harvest-price option will pay for crops destroyed by the drought at market price, which had increased due to the drought itself.

US government subsidises much of the cost of private insurance hence it will the taxpayers who will be footing a good deal of the bill. Crop-insurance companies are just not going to be able to take on these losses. How big will the bill be? Last year indemnities losses reached $10.7 billion due to drought in Texas and Southwest, so this year's even drier weather will surely cost more. Corn farmers with subsidised insurance seemed to be able to weather the weather but everyone else in the food chain will be worse off.

Livestock farmers have to buy high-priced corn to feed their animals since pastures are charred. Hog farmers, who depend on cheap corn, are hurting badly. Some ranchers even sell their cattle early out of desperation and US cattle inventory is at its lowest level since 1973. This will lower beef prices in short term as a glut of cattle reaches markets, but prices will rise as the industry struggles to rebuild itself after two crippling droughts in a row.

The cost of everything from hamburgers to cereals to Gatorade could go higher since corn is the base of US food pyramid. 50% increase in corn prices usually increases retail food prices by 0.5% to 1%.This will take several months for the processed-and-packaged-food industry to feel the heat. Still, Americans are well insulated from the increased crop price since their diets are so full of processed goods that only 15cents of every dollar they spend on food really goes to food. Most goes to packaging and advertising.

But that's not the case with developing nations, where hundreds of millions live on plain tortillas or bread and the cost of commodities really is the cost of food. The problem could be acute in Egypt, a food importer that was already suffering financially even before drought.

The effect of drought is really not to be undermined. Reduced US harvest increases prices overseas. Not to mention the global spike in food prices, which could have led to social unrest In America Latin and Middle East. It is tightening the global corn and soybeans stocks which were already tight even before the drought. Higher costs for commodity crops will cut into charity budgets, limiting the amount of food aids, even as those high prices erode the ability of the global poor to fend for themselves.

Much depends on whether this 2012 drought is just a flash. Forecasters are predicting that the drought will last until at least October, if not longer. And then there are the years beyond. While climate change has had an uncertain effect on 2012 drought - blame La Nina, the periodic ocean cooling that can wreak havoc with weather - there's general agreement that dry conditions will become ever more common in Midwest as the world warms. The creeping disaster could be here to stay.

When it comes to natural disaster, we humans have not much say in it. I guess that's why the environmentalists are busy lobbying for nature preservation efforts to contain any further deterioration of global climate change. A drought alone  - not even counting hurricanes, storms, etc - can wreak enough havoc across the globe as it directly affects food source, which is required to feed the nation. And only when a nation is fed can social stability be achieved, something which China had learnt to sustain all this while through their abundant food reserve.

Whether there will be an Apocalypse towards end 2012 is yet to be seen - I personally don't believe in it - but it shows here that everyone's effort counts when it comes to preserving the nature. Everyone on Earth has the responsibility to do their part in leaving a sustainable Earth to the next generation. I dread to think that my next of kin will have to don respiratory masks just to breathe.

So let's do our part even if it seems very minor or even insignificant, but hey, don't undermine these small gestures. So let's use reusable container instead of polystyrene, let's reduce unnecessary waste of water or energy, let's car-pool when possible, let's..... think of whichever way you can contribute to a greener world.

Bright Side to Drought

This is what I called positive thinking (though it doesn't really seemed too related). I'd read through a TIME article (Aug 13, 2012) stating the effect of US drought condition on taste of this year's produce and find it very interesting.

1. Sweeter (peaches, watermelon, cantaloupes)
Photosynthesis speeds up during hot weather, boosting accumulation of sucrose and other natural sugars.

2. More pungent (onions, garlic)
These are stacked with sulphur compounds, which condense under intense sunlight.

3. Spicier (peppers)
Capsaicin levels spike under heat stress, making it easier for them to bond with the spicy receptors on your tongue.

4. More bitter (fennel, carrots, dill)
Chock-full of terpenoids, or aromatic compounds, that become especially concentrated during drought conditions.

God is always fair. When there is a downside to an event, there will always be some blessings in disguise in it. That's where we always manage to have hope even when things don't seem rosy in the beginning, though I have to admit, drought really costs those farmers quite some yield.

22 August 2012

Wow, better EQ already?

Was intending to post it on FB but I had just recently deactivated my FB, so I figure that it's better for me to vent it out here. Post on FB because I do have some senior superiors in it and I wish they can read it. Deactivate FB because I'd spent too much time on it again, though that's where I got most of my current news update from.

Weird, I wasn't really feeling angry or what. In fact, I was actually thinking "What ever lah, what will be will be." Maybe I don't really care anymore when it comes to LMW. A boss whom I'd just use the two words: 'jackass' and 'asshole' to describe him (in my heart of course). I'd never used these two words to describe anyone before. I swear!

All this while, both of us know that we don't serve each other well. The way we work is so different from each other and there had been countless moments where we don't see eye to eye. Not to mention raising voice etc. Recently he doesn't even give a damn to what I said anymore. The same goes to me.

Just that I am more polite and still couldn't fore go my moral education that no matter how jackass a senior might be, you still need to show some respect even if it's only 0.0001% left. But as of now, no more la. If I can avoid him, I will. So that I can save myself the trouble of getting a stroke. Or worse still, getting my already low motivation degraded to negative!

I don't understand why he even exist in the first place. Perhaps experience and the slacking attitude. Or perhaps this is called wisdom, in a way. Well, if you do less, then you make less mistake, and the lesser the chance other people can shoot you, and the lesser headache you will get. It's true to some extent. Besides he is retiring in less than 10 years down the road, so why should he bother so much anyway?

It is this kind of thinking which gives trouble to us juniors, to pick up the shits later. The way he liked to describe his ex-boss, of whom I actually prefer his ex-boss style. At least when you go to him, he will try to solve the problem, although it might sometimes involve beating around the bush. To repeat, at least it got solved.

Working with LMW really demotivates the juniors. Can you imagine a FM telling his Asst Engineer not to work extra hours, as no one will know what he did in the office and will only increase the electricity bill due to the air-conditioner and lights turned on? And he didn't even claim any OT allowance! Very obvious that either he don't like the Asst Engineer or he really wants to demotivate him.

I can't imagine any decent Chinese executives to be wanting to work under him for long. First, decent people will want to strive for improvement, of which he will quickly say NO even before you explain to him in detail. Just imagine, no matter how fiery your passion is, if you keep on hearing NO for 10 times, you won't bother about it anymore right?

Second, a decent person will know that it's better to change environment when it's no longer conducive. Why? So that they won't get so demoralised that they turn into zombie coming to work, just for the sake of $. I know I won't. So why am I still staying? Because I find that apart from dealing with him, other aspects of my work is still bearable.

As of now, I don't bother you, you don't bother me. It's true when people say not easy to find a good boss. Probably I am not a good superior myself. But at least I don't go around demotivating people like that. Though I did scolded my staff from time to time, or most of the time when I have a special briefing, it is to correct their mistakes rather than to give any compliments.

I wonder if every boss also will have some weakness to be criticised by employees? My guess is, it's inevitable...

20 August 2012


Wife: Describe me.

Husband: You're A B C D E F G H I J K.

Wife: What does that mean?

Husband: Adorable Beautiful Cute Delightful Elegant Fairly Gorgeous and Hot.

Wife: Oh, that's so lovely, what about I J K?

Husband: I'm just kidding.

4 Things You Can Never Recover

The stone: after the throw

The word: after it's said

The occassion: after it's missed

The time: after it's gone

Anything else you can think of, which can never be recovered?

15 August 2012

Soul Searching

An easy 7 letters word.
Something I am searching for right now.
Be it...
In work...
In relationship...
In life...

Recently I seem to ponder a lot,
Searching for answers which I can't find,
Probably I didn't search seriously,
Perhaps I've reached the junction,
Junction where I've felt stagnant,
Finding my way,
To regain whatever self-drive purpose,
Or kick in life,
Which I am lacking now.

Is this called soul searching?
A search for something,
Where I have a sense of belonging?

How will I know if I won't feel the same again,
After few more years down the road?

Is this normal?
Having several junctures in life,
Where you have to do some soul searching...

I don't call this emo anymore,
There was this something inside me,
Which triggers all these.
Just like when I was contemplating a job transfer,
Where my rational mind says go,
While my heart sends me a signal to reconsider,
Where in the end I did listen to my heart,
Can it be that my heart is trying to tell me something again?

I don't believe that I felt stagnant already,
It must be that I lack something,
Perhaps a drive or something,
Maybe I am searching if this is what I want,
Something which I myself can't answer yet.

I know that if I don't settle this,
It will surely crop up again sooner or later.
Do I need a change?
Do I have the courage?

I just need an enlightened moment,
Once I get the answer,
I know my path will be clear,
No more vagueness.
Of course it can still change.
A plan is after all still a plan.

Soul searching still...

3 August 2012

Love vs Like

In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster.
But in front of the person you like, you get happy.

In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring.
But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter.

If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush.
But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.

In front of the person you love, you can't say everything on your mind.
But in front of the person you like, you can.

In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy.
But in front of the person you like, you can show your own self.

The person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.
You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love.
But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.

When the one you love is crying, you cry with them.
But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.

The feeling of love starts from the eye
And the feeling of like starts from the ear.

So if you stop liking a person you used to like
All you need to do is cover your ears,
But if you try to close your eyes,
Love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after.

Opening Up

Was upset for a moment.
JS didn't contact me.
Told myself he is busy.
Still, emotion came just like that.
Mind flashes to a quote:
Those who love you will find time for you.
Still... quote doesn't necessarily apply to everyone.

Supposed to jog yesterday but forgot my jogging bag.
No breezy session for me.
Too hazy as well.
Sakae Sushi with Ying instead.
Couldn't tell her my feeling.
Doesn't feel right.
Aunt waiting at home.
Feels so good to see her.
Just usual casual chat,
But her smiling face takes my negativity away.

After a sleep, bright day again.
Rise and shine!
Staying with aunt is good.
She's not aware I was down.
But her morning greeting and talk makes a difference.
Love her.
Everything felt yesterday seemed insignificant.
In fact, felt stupid.

Think from the bright side,
Distance trains me.
Lesser physical attachment,
Which I think was a bit too much previously.

Pin emailed today:
Did you bring your smile with you today?
Great start for my day.
Funny, one sentence is all it takes
to brighten up your already bright day.

Miss you,
and love you.
Won't ask you to come back faster anymore.
Career comes first.
Take care!