Kelvin once told me about Murphy Law and unfortunate incidents. So I wikipedia-ed the law and here it goes:
“If anything can go wrong, it will”
When it is meant for ur motorbike tyre to go flat due to a big nail lying on the road, it will. When the motorbike can crash due to slippery road while making a turn, it will. When the road is meant to be slippery due to some oil spillage from lorry, it will.
OK, so the story is like this.. Just this Tuesday, my tyre was flat due to a sizeable nail. Lucky a motorshop was nearby and lucky there wasn’t much car when I wanted to cross the wide road. A blessing in disguise perhaps? Then this morning, when I was making a turn on my way to the company, my motorbike suddenly slipped and crashed by the roadside. I thought it was my flat tyre again or I hit something. But when I stood up, nothing!
Lucky there was no car or lorry just behind me. Lucky my colleagues were behind me. Zaifol said it was due to the oil slick on the road. I didn’t even realise about it if he didn’t say it. Talk about being obervant! I always teach my staff to be observant but it was proven that I myself wasn’t observant enough..Hmmph!
Zaifol helped me to pull my motorbike to the roadside and Pn Pauziah offered me a ride in her car. Mr Sim brought back my motorbike to the office. Nothing much serious, just injuries to the left side of my body. Lucky I wear jacket, if not even the left arm will not be spared. Left palm, left knee, left abdomen and left leg. All these injuries were sustained while making the left turn. Bore a hole on my slacks, my favorite slacks. Nvm, lama tak pergi baru tak datang. But if compared to the injuries sustained by Wei Ying last year, mine was really nothing. Thank God that it wasn’t too serious.
My colleagues are very caring, esp Ong and Koay and I acted tough as if it was nothing. It hurts actually. I insisted on not going to clinic but they kept on telling me about this tetanus thing and that. Finally, I relented and Koay fetched me to the panel clinic. Doctor applied antiseptics and dressed my wounds. It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would be. Luckily doctor gave me the option on whether to take the anti-tetanus injection or not. I politely declined and she didn’t force me to take it. Thank God!
I was given 2 days MC. I wasn’t used to taking MC and suddenly I didn’t know whether to go home or not. I tried to do some work but all this walking and bending knees thing forced my tears to well up. Not that serious actually. Jz wanna make it sound dramatic! Finally decided to bring back the work and went back home. I went straight to the mechanic to repair some slight damages caused by the untoward accident. After that, head straight back home. Oh ya, anyone wanna buy 4D? My motorbike plate number is 2394. Good luck!
Got letter from LHDN to say that I will receive my cheque due to over-tax. Yuhoo, one good news finally. And this weekend I am going to Kuala Gula with family, colleagues and friends. I don’t care about the knee injury anymore. Can’t cancel the whole trip just because of my injury. We planned it quite some time ago. Hopefully, it won’t rain this Sat since we wanna see fireflies. Also, I checked my eyesight ytdy, my eyesight remained the same, no increase in the power. In fact, astigmatism dropped by 0.25 for both eyes. All this while I thought it will increase since I faced PC more frequently nowadays. Good news indeed!
And I just realised that I blog more frequently since May 2010. That’s my nature, I like to express myself via writing. And it just so happened that so many things happened recently. Sometimes i felt better penning down my thoughts rather than talk to someone cos I don’t really blurt everything out to one single friend. At times, i don’t like to talk. Have you ever encountered the time when you jz wanna be alone? Sometimes, I will. So I will blog instead. Felt better rather than just bottling it within myself.
But really… the knee wound will mean that i can’t play badminton and can’t go hiking in this short period of time 

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