22 July 2012

I Need A Change, I Want A Change And I Must Change

I feel like life is too mundane, too routine for me. I feel that I am wasting my life. I don't feel special, don't feel like I am doing anything useful. I feel like I am only living as days pass. Hmm... that emptiness within. Might be my lame excuse for not initiating anything. I always read that rather than enying what others do, why not do it yourself?

I don't have the courage. I am a timid turtle. I just don't know. So many things I want to do but dare not do alone. So many things to do without any plan drafted out. So many things I want to say out but no intention to say it out. But these are the few things I want and am going to do.

1. Sleep before 11.30pm and wake up by 7.00am the latest - for healthier complexion.
2. Control food intake. Age is catching up and metabolism is dropping.
3. Strict budget control. Plan huge expenses ahead of time, e.g. travel, house, rewards .
4. Resume reading - fictions, technical, magazines.
5. Exercise regime - badminton, jogging, hiking, cycling. time to learn swimming?
6. Appropriate time management - must adjust and re-prioritize in different circumstances.
7. More quality time with family.

How about my relationship? Honestly, I think I love him. But there are a few reservations just yet. I didn't open up to him fully and as what CMY said, that is being unfair to him. But I feel that he has his own reservations as well, though I might be thinking too much. But I honestly think guys are really very straight forward. From what I gathered from friends, most of the time, if you don't tell them, they won't realize anything.

And he is that kind of guy. Though I think he knows what is happening from my small gestures, just perhaps playing ignorant at times, which is the best thing to do sometimes.

But one thing I must do, that is to reduce time on FB, probably replacing it with some time on TV? Sean shared with me that I must change the 'I want' to 'I am'. A very solid advice. Thanks!

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