21 September 2012

Spending Your Time Alone

Do you still remember the time when you just feel like walking alone by the seaside or even your own neighbourhood, alone, without a company? Taking in the evening breeze while enjoying the sound of chirping birds flying their way back to their nests or even rustling leaves when strong wind blows them on the street?

I like it and wish to do it as often as I could. Especially when I am stressed out. But you do need a decent neighbourhood in order to do that in Malaysia. Lucky that I still have sports to channel away my occasional negativities. So what is so enjoyable about that? If you can just you imagine yourself walking with empty thoughts, or better still, not thinking at all...your body and movements on auto mode... That's what I am looking for.

It had been really awhile I haven't really done that. I wonder if Mom yearns for those moments too. Mom's schedule is pretty routine and tight. As a mom, as usual, she burns herself out for the comfort of her family, thanks Mom! But let's not deviate from what I want to share today. It's about wanting a time for your own self. It's about wanting to be alone for a change, at some point of life.

I came across this article in Positively Positive website and find that it's really inspiring and refreshing to me, as if speaking out my mind... reminding me that 'Hey, you used to do this and enjoy it a lot, you know?' As the author, Brett Blumenthal puts it, being alone is somewhat therapeutic... I couldn't agree more! But please don't get me wrong, being alone doesn't equates to being single, it simply refers to you allocating a quality time for yourself...

> Self-discovery
Being alone allows you to discover and understand yourself more. It's important to know yourself, your preferences, and your likes and dislikes, without anyone's influences. Don't just spend the time trying to understand other people while neglecting your own self.

> Greater independence and increased self-esteem
You feel independent when you are comfortable being alone, by making your own choices and decisions. You give your self-confidence a big boost, which will then shine through other aspects in your life, even in the presence of others. Now, that's what I call a kudos.

> No need to compromise
You compromise in the presence of others, wanting to please everyone or trying to make less scene of something trivial. So spending time alone allows you to indulge yourself with the things you want and love to do, without having to compromise.

> Rejuvenate your soul
Being away from others allows you to decompress and relax, breaking away from the "have to"s and focusing on the "want to"s. You get to address your own needs above everyone elses', allowing you to rejuvenate yourself and push the restart button.

>Fresh perspective
Being alone gives you time to clear the mind and weed through a lot of thoughts, getting to the heart of what YOU really think rather than being told or influenced by others. You get to reflect on what matters in life and how hear yourself out on how you feel.

> Higher appreciation for those you love
By making time for yourself to be alone, you will appreciate more the time you spend with others. It is important to find the balance between having your own time and spending time in the presence of others. Do it at your own comfort, no hard and fast rule for that.

When I say spend time alone, it refers to you being able to relax yourself, doing things you enjoy (for me, it's lying down, reading my books) and once in awhile, being able to reflect on your own life. Sort of like venturing into your inner self, clearing away any harbouring doubts. Listening to your own self. Now that's important.


< Get up or get in early
Wake up earlier than everyone else and use it to create, produce, meditate or whatever makes you happy.

<Close your door
If possible, allocate a session which sends out the message 'My own private time, no disturbance allowed, unless really necessary'. This way, everyone will know to get out of your way during that period.

<Schedule solitude
Mark your time in your planner for spending time with yourself. Doesn't have to be long. Any time you spend alone with your own self to reboot, meditate, focus, relax, create, produce or think deeply is always better than none.

<And oh, I talk to my blog when I want to have my own sweet time too ^_6

Hmm.... now I really miss that feeling... I am a quiet person deep within though most of my close friends will say that I am noisy and irritating up to a point. But if I have the choice, I actually prefer to listen rather than talk. I guess that's why I enjoy listening to DJs babbling away in the radio station... If you haven't have your own solitary moment, do plan for one, you will find a new you soon!

CMY, if you are reading this, I think this is what we both want... some quality time to our own self. We cherish each other's company and still we prefer to have our own sweet time to ourselves as well. Hope you will enjoy your new 'nest' soon...

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