30 May 2013

Sweet Stuff

Timing. Just when I decided to stop greeting him every morning and night (it had lasted for only a week, I think. I do admit I am the 'hangat hangat tahi ayam' type), dear emailed a very sweet email. Warmed my heart. No sugar-coated words but words describing his true feelings. With a touch of humour, just my type.

I like this kind of dear. Being more positive and expressing his feelings. He seldom does that. The video must have done wonder to him. It was almost an hour long, I was too tired and dozed off halfway through the video. Will watch on weekend then.

Towards the end of the email, I was practically beaming wide with smile. It did came as a surprise to me. First, he seldom emails me. Second, his replies will be very short. Unless if he had some confession or sharing to make, then it will be like this email lah, never fail to make me smile.

When we meet up, we rarely have a heart-to-heart talk. I mean those requiring undivided attention and focus from both parties. We both suck at that. Mostly just a random topic. I wonder why. But I do know one thing, I must not over-think otherwise I will not be happy.

With that, I hope I can do that.

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