I am trying to resume my reading routine though it was a bit messy currently. But at least I started somewhere. I would like to share an interesting part from The Secret. Have you heard about Law of Attraction? When I first heard about it, I couldn't agree more. It may talk about a lot more but I would like to sum it up in one word, FAITH. 3 steps is all you need:
1. ASK
Ask yourself what you want. Set a clear goal. Better if it can be measurable and quantified.
Believe that it is going to happen. Believe that it is already happening.
Feel good when you receive it. You might need some action to manifest it but it should be an action to receive, not an action to make it happen.
You may not really understand what I am writing here, but if this intrigues you, go ahead and read The Secret or search YouTube for the short video to get some idea.
So after these 3 steps, how will things happen? Universe will align itself to match your thoughts. So remember, thoughts become things and you are the master of your own thoughts. Affirmative thoughts are always much stronger than negations. So you will attract things to happen the positive way if you practice the 3 steps above. And it is none of your business to know how will the Universe align itself to your wish. I like this short excerpt below:
Think of a car driving through the night. The headlights only go a hundred to two hundred feet forward, yet you can drive it all the way through a two thousand feet journey through the dark, because all you have to see is the next two hundred feet.
That's how life unfolds before us. If you trust that the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, and the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding. And you will reach destination in the end, just because whatever it is you truly want, you get it because you want it.
Well written, don't have to think too far but you can visualize the outcome. From there, you just need to take things one at a time with your goal clear in mind. And wahlah.... the Law of Attraction works each time, with unwavering faith.
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