Happy Day 22 (24/07/2014)
Tried an online personality profiling test.
Related to employment. Interesting.
But I must admit, the repetitive questions on similar can be quite confusing.
My report as below...
Work Value: Achievement Striving
This is a measure of the importance
of the opportunity for goal setting and skill usage in a job. This is a measure
of the extent to which an individual needs to feel a sense of accomplishment at
the end of the workday.
Significant Finding
You are likely to value the sense of
pride and accomplishment associated with learning new skills, meeting goals,
and fully using your skills on the job. You would likely enjoy work that
involves regularly challenging yourself to meet organizational or personal
goals.- Assess your skills through tests or by gathering
feedback from others to determine ways to best match your skill set to
work you enjoy. Ensure that jobs you seek fully utilize your skills.
- Seek a job that strongly emphasizes personal growth and
development in order to broaden your skills.
- Explore types of work that have job requirements beyond
those you currently possess. Prepare yourself for those jobs by taking
classes or practicing the skills needed.
- Examine your long-term career goals and determine
skills needed for jobs that fit with your aspirations.
Work Value: Organizational Support
This component measures the degree
of importance a candidate attaches to managerical competence and fairness in
company policies. Competence reflects managerial skill, effective leadership,
and knowledge of content specific to the manager's organization and division.
Significant Finding
You are unlikely to place value on
the specific aspects of your employer's policies and procedures, such as dress
code and computer usage. The skills of your supervisor are likely not very
important to you. - Seek companies that do not have strict policies and
procedures. You would be happier working for a company with more
- Before you accept a job, you would benefit from making
sure that your supervisor is competent and dependable.
- You should work under a supervisor that allows you to
learn and develop your skills on your own.
Work Value: Personal Recognition
This is a measure of how important
success, career advancement, and the opportunity for leadership is to a
candidate. The extent to which an individual defines success in terms of social
comparison is reflected in this measure.
Significant Finding
You are likely to place importance
on being recognized for good job performance or having a high status job. You
likely place more importance on being recognized for good work than the work
itself.- Look for companies that offer "fast track"
opportunities for employees willing to work hard to advance quickly. The
work will be more challenging, but you will achieve your goals faster.
- Look for jobs in which you can lead others and take
charge of group projects. Look for companies that value individuals that
"grab the reins" and take the lead when necessary.
- Look for work in companies that have formal recognition
programs that offer non-monetary rewards for good performance.
- Look for work in high profile companies and/or high
profile job types. Seek out jobs in which your peers can easily be made
aware of your successes.
Work Value: Responsible Autonomy
This is a measure of the extent to
which the candiate prefers to work on his or her own. It is a measure of how
important it is to the candidate that he or she get the opportunity to set
goals, take responsibility for his or her successes and failures, and express
and follow-through on his or her ideas.
Significant Finding
You are somewhat likely to place
importance on the ability to work alone. You would likely prefer a moderate
amount of supervision and responsibility. You may want the opportunity to be
creative.- Look for jobs that allow you to share new ideas and
occasionally give you the chance to be creative.
- You should look for jobs that allow you control over
most day to day decisions, but not necessarily the critical challenges.
You would be happiest when occasionally encouraged to be responsible for a
- You should seek out jobs in which you would work under
a supervisor that can provide guidance, but does not micromanage you.
Work Value: Social Responsibility
This is a measure of the extent to
which "the greater good" is important to the candidate when looking
for a job. This component measures the candidate's need for a job in an
organization that upholds ethical standards and is socially responsible. This
measure also reflects the candidate's desire for posititive relationships among
Significant Finding
You are likely to place importance
on work that influences the welfare of others. You would likely enjoy work that
involves working closely with others, carrying out highly ethical work, and
doing things for other people.- Evaluate the social service record of any company to
which you apply. Make sure that the causes to which the company chooses to
devote its money and resources correspond with your values.
- Make sure companies to which you apply do not have a
history of ethical violations.
- Look for jobs that involve a high degree of teamwork.
Also, determine if organizations sponsor activities designed to encourage
relationship building with coworkers.
Work Value: Working Environment
This is a measure of how important
success, career advancement, and the opportunity for leadership is to a
candidate. The extent to which an individual defines success in terms of social
comparison is reflected in this measure.
Significant Finding
You are unlikely to place importance
on the tangible aspects of the job you do, such as your work building,
equipment, and activity level. You are likely to be unconcerned with how work
is done or the environment in which it is carried out.- You tend to not care about being either too busy or not
busy enough at work. Make sure you don't get either too overloaded with
work or left with nothing to do.
- Look for work in which the pay is fair, but don't turn
down a job that pays less if it meets your other needs.
- You are unlikely to care about how much time you spend
working in teams, so make sure you find a job that allows you to work
independently enough to meet your career development needs.
- Make sure you have reliable contingency plans should
you lose employment.
- You tend to not care about how much variety is in your
job. Talk to your supervisor about getting the opportunity to try new
- Before accepting a position, make sure you will have
the appropriate tools to do your job properly.
Work Value: WorkLife Balance
This component measures the extent
to which an individual prefers policies and procedures that allow for more
balance between work and non-work. These include flex time and remote work.
Significant Finding
You are unlikely to place importance
on work flexibility and freetime for personal development. You are likely to
prefer a structured work schedule and working in an office rather than at home.- Look for a structured work environment that has strict
schedule requirements and a defined work space that allows you to work
- Look for a job that will keep you busy doing the work
that you enjoy. Your ideal job will allow you the opportunity to take on
extra projects to keep you busy at all times.
- Make sure you allow yourself the opportunity to relieve
stress and attend to personal business to prevent burnout.
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