11 July 2014

#100happydays Day 3 060714

Happy Day 3 (06/07/2017)
Very informative talk on curved spine (scoliosis) in Adventist Hospital. 
80% case is idiopathic scoliosis where the reason is unknown.
Idiopathic scoliosis:
Idiot doctor.
Pathetic patient.
a) Standing position X-ray.
b) Physically bending down - observe any humps etc.
3 type of cases:
a) Idiopathic scoliosis - unknown reason
b) Postural scoliosis - easily treated with postural correction
c) Degenerative scoliosis - for elderlies, due to ageing process
a) Curve < 20 degree:
Not much action is needed, more on monitoring.
b) Curve > 20 degree:
Brace is recommended.
Rigid plastic to support spine structure from further deviation,
worn 23 hours a day.
c) Curve > 45 degree:
Surgery is recommended.
Screws will be placed to try to limit the deviation,
but spine flexibility is limited to certain degree.
 d) Adventist is offering 3D Schroth Method.
It elongates the trunk and correct the imbalances of body
via specific exercises and breathing techniques.
For them, they need to train up their muscle to complement the weak spine structure.
This reminds me not to take my muscle for granted.
I should start to train up my super weak core muscle.

No Time to Exercise?
Your Opportunity is NOW!
Saw this while climbing down the stairs, well placed indeed!

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