2 July 2014


Today I felt bo syok again. Over trivial matter. Is it due to PMS or is it just me being too sensitive?
I changed my movie selection to Z-Storm because I wanted to wait for him to come back to watch Transformers. And today he told me he watched it in US already. He even thought that I had watched Transformers already.
Sigh! No comment and don't know what to say. Told him I felt bo syok though. Made him felt guilty. I am bad huh? Think about it, he should.
Just imagine this... how should I feel when I don't think he bothers about what I have said?
This is just another indication that I am not living my life just yet. If I learn to live for myself, then other people will be a matter of a companion of choice rather than my emotion being dictated by them.
So true yet so hard to execute. Whatever... I just want to release out the negative energy.

p/s: Stupid Transformers!

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