Today I started the day by trying to wake up at 6am, but ended up tidying my bed at 7.15am. Not bad, at least I am still on track to travel to work from Kulim. Usually I stay in Prai from Tue to Fri while for the rest of the days I will be staying in Kulim. It depends though, if there is a gathering with friends, then I might jz stay over at my friend’s house.
Anyway, back to the topic. I decided to work with clear and fresh mind so as to avoid the Monday’s blue that working ppl oways mentioned about. Logged in to e-buddy and saw a friend’s display which sounds like this: ‘Monday is blue’. Hmm…interesting, nv knew that Monday is blue in color. I wonder what colors represent the rest of the days? Frankly speaking, why would anyone associate Monday with blue?
Most likely it had something to do with phrases where we always associate ‘blue’ with feeling ‘down’. And since u enjoyed ur weekend and nv want it to end, most of us hate Monday and worship Friday. Seriously, if we have passion in our work, will we still have the Monday blue? I think it is inevitable. Perhaps those with passion will be able to brush off the ‘blues’ in no time once they got their hands started with their work.
So I responded via my display by typing ‘Monday is not blue. Monday is the beginning of a beautiful week’. There…doesn’t it sound nicer and make u feel at least a little bit better? Well, I do. Then, another friend responded by typing ‘Monday is not blue. Monday is the beginning of a horrible week’. I am at lost for words.
I believe that’s what most ppl think esp if u r loaded with workloads piling up into mountain, jz waiting to bury u underneath it (all right, it’s too much an exaggeration, I agree :P). Most of my friends complained that they start to have faded interest in their works. Me too, but I try to find things that can trigger and regain some of my interest back. So here I am, still working the same job. I seriously think that u need to work for at least 2 years and above if u really wanna learn from ur working field.
So, after so many hours of facing the desktop (gosh, my astigmatism sure is not going to improve), I rested for a while by writing this entry. What fascinated me a while ago was the discoveries of my Lab Techs. They found two small rats in the pigeon hole cabinet where we keep our flour samples for shelf-life determination. No wonder I saw flour bags with holes. I suspected that it was a rat bite but I simply brush off the idea as I thought it was quite impossible for the rat to enter our Lab.
Our Lab is located on the 2nd floor and the door is always closed except when there are ppl entering or exiting the Lab. If only I pursue it further, perhaps we can discover the rats much earlier. Anyway, thanks to my attentive Lab Tech, we caught 2 rats. Very cute rats, those tiny, tiny type, resembling paddy rat (I think, not that I have seen paddy rats with my own eyes before). But I wonder where is the Mama Rat. Sure there is a breeding ground for her somewhere.
Too bad we have to decide on how to kill the rats. They really are adorable. Too bad they are born to be pests. A few suggestions surfaced on how to get rid of the rats:
1) Use hot water
2) Feed them to the cat
3) Stomp on them with feet
If I were given the choice, I will choose option 1 as that’s how my grandpa used to kill the rats back when I was an innocent kid. Option 2 and 3 were given by my Lab Techs. Gosh, jz imagining both these options send shivers down my spine. Somehow, guys are more gifted to be ’heartless’ when killing pests. But, can u imagine? Stomping on the rats when they are so tiny and looked so cute and innocent..Urghh…horrible.
In the end, I jz leave it to my Lab Techs to settle the rats. Wouldn’t want to know what’s the outcome. I remembered once when my car ran over a cat (I was trying to dodge the cat and the cat was also trying to dodge me, and it jz so happened that we were dodging in the same direction), I felt eerie and guilty for the whole week. I felt so inhumane even though it’s only a cat or a rat. Reminded me of the dogs being left stranded in Pulau Ketam to die on their own.
Hmm, but if I look from the bright side, perhaps I may win a chance to strike a lottery if I buy a number designated for rats. Too bad I don’t believe in such things. Ppl say it will only happen if u believe in it. So I won’t buy the lottery number, perhaps u can buy it if u believe in it, then tell me whether these two rats bring any luck to ur wallet or not 

And oh, met Saiful and Mei Yong separately this week. It was an impromptu gathering and somehow we managed to catch up with other. Din go for badminton though, helped mom to take care of the shop and the niece so that she can hv a day off with my aunt. Well, I am a filial child after all…(quick, quick, praise me, praise me).
13.07.2009 (jyyyin)
kkkkkk….”fu yen” you….good gal lorrrrrrrrrrrrr
hahaha……..i was horrified at option 3 stomping type….imagine their intestine jutting out…ewwwww
my past experience is drown them……coz to me…they die one piece…just wet………
tomoro i ask mum what is number for rat….maybe she will buy….anyhow i visited the god of fortune temple in Singapore………a ha ha
hahaha……..i was horrified at option 3 stomping type….imagine their intestine jutting out…ewwwww
my past experience is drown them……coz to me…they die one piece…just wet………
tomoro i ask mum what is number for rat….maybe she will buy….anyhow i visited the god of fortune temple in Singapore………a ha ha
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