20 June 2011

#33 -White flag

I surrender!

I surrender to my work. The ’spicy ginger’ is definitely worth to be saluted. I can’t stop reminding myself to be more relaxed. And yes, I have done it! When I heard about it, I can’t stop smiling…It happened jz like what I think it might happen. 100 points for my precise prediction. Luckily, I didn’t lose my cool and managed to come up with some idea to face it as well. Will pray hard that come Monday, it will work as I suggested. Pray hard!

Hey, last week I thought that my EQ dropped drastically but jz now I felt that my EQ is still not bad. I managed to maintain my cool despite the ‘weird’ news I heard. But deep down inside, I know that I still hv a long way to go in order to boost my EQ! Tmrw is already a wkend, and I am not working tmrw. So I am gonna enjoy my wkend, and jz wait to see what will happen on Mon.

Yippy yuppy!

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