18 June 2011

#32 - Emptiness

My mood swings like it’s nobody’s business. At times I feel great, at times I feel empty at heart. Sometimes I laugh easily, sometimes it takes great effort to laugh, esp after u sulk for so long.

On Raya days, I felt great as it was the first time I had been to Malay friends’ open house and managed to meet up with long-lost friends. Went to Mengkuang Dam with Chuah, meet up with some Chinese gals of our gang.

Today, wasn’t having much plan in mind. Suddenly wanted to visit some friends with my Kulim USM schoolmate but she was busy. So, plan cancelled. Woke up with sore voice, indicating that my body is too heaty. Met Chong today and went to eat laksa and ice kacang. Towards evening, developed flu, due to dehydration.

The younger of my twin niece is now quite adept in walking, though sometimes she will still fall on her buttocks when she walked too fast. Very proud of her. She can learn up quite fast and is only cute when she is not being too demanding. She can make u smile and suffer within a split second. That’s one the great wonders that babies bring to us :)

Well, tmrw is working day, after such a long break for Hari Raya. Sometimes, when I am working for the normal 5 days per week, I would want to have more holidays. But perhaps I am too used to working, so when there is such a long holiday, suddenly felt very free, esp if no activities are being planned out. So….=.=! But I still welcome the idea of more long holidays..

Though the title suggests emptiness, deep down inside I know that it is not totally about emptiness at all…

> 22.09.2009 (jyyyin)
haha…i also dream of long long holiday………..i missed the laksa and ice kacang………
when wanna go eat roti bakar!! with egg

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