This past wk had been a bz wk and quite meaningful to me. Had been bz at work, no time to laze around, but of course I still managed to check my emails and forward those meaningful ones to my friends. Had been doing sth fruitful at work but I also realised that I may be too agressive at work. Perhaps I should slow down a bit. However, I am glad that I managed to do some reading this wk. Currently, I am reading ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’. It’s a self-help book and I haven’t finished reading it, but from what I had read so far, it is sth like ‘The Secret’, telling u that our external achievement is actually derived from our inner mindset. What we think will materialise in the real world, sth like that…
Went to Ipoh with Susan and Koon to find Chai Ling, our dearest little sister in Ipoh. It was really an impromptu plan. Was asking Susan the other day on how to celebrate Koon’s bday. Susan suggested to went over to Ipoh to find Chai Ling as well, since we were all from Food Tech course. Only Yuh Ping wasn’t able to join us. So somehow the gathering wasn’t too complete. Other Turtle members can’t join as well. But I believe that we enjoyed the Ipoh trip well, as Chai Ling and her ‘fren’ are indeed a very good host.
Was able to keep in touch with few friends this wk. Felt great to know that I still care about my frens
Had a clash with a fren who had helped me a lot before this. Nv mentioned it in my blog but I think he mentioned it in his. Whatever it is, ‘nasi sudah jadi bubur’. A broken friendship can’t be mended no matter how u try to, esp if both think differently. So I shall cherish the past where we had shared some good times together, such as the time when I am preparing my slideshow for an interview with Kerry, and indeed his inputs helped me to obtain an offer from Kerry, which in the end, I had rejected..But it feels great knowing that u r offered a job, shows that u not too lame after all.

Back to the Ipoh trip, we updated each other about our latest news. Indeed, one of us will get married soon enough. So happy to hear that. Can’t wait to attend her wedding too, but I don’t like wearing gown lah… See la how later. Met a new friend, introduced by Chai Ling. A very nice guy, I suspect he had a crush on her but she denied it. Perhaps they are jz best friends after all… (Which I felt is a bit of a waste). The night we reached Ipoh, we ate steamboat, stuffing the food up to our throats. That’s how full I shall describe our stomachs for that night. Then we jz retired to bed, having some pillow talk and dozed off to prepare for the trip next day.
The following morning, we went to Pusing to have prawn mee (very big prawns) and ‘kokoi’ (kuih nyonya), the 3 caves in Ipoh, buy pomelos and local delicacies and went to Ipoh Parade. Quite packed until we had to park our car on the top of the building. It was a very hot day. We practically risked being roasted and nearly got dehydrated. After doing some shopping, we tested the ‘ngar choi kai’ in Onn Kee instead of the famous Lao Wang (indeed Onn Kee serves better ‘ngar choi kai’. Most Ipoh ppl will tell u that too!). Our last destination after buying ‘yim kok kai’ is Secret Recipe.
U may ask ‘Why of all the places in Ipoh, u want to go to the Secret Recipe in Ipoh? Other place don’t have ah?’ Cos we still rmber our main mission in Ipoh, which is to celebrate Koon’s bday. Each person ordered their own favorite piece of cake and we quietly sang bday song to Koon, as per her wish. In the end, Koon said that it was an unforgettable bday for her. Glad she felt that way. I liked that trip too.
Chai Ling brought us till the exit of the highway and we got on the road with tired minds but with happy feelings. Jz when we thought that that’s the end of the day, Huei called us and we agreed to meet her in Auto City Old Town. Got another update from her again. In the end, I shall conclude that it had been a great wk to keep in touch with frens. A good friendship wk I shall say. I wanna go to Ipoh again, either to go with Susan or my family. I nv bring my mom out for a short trip like that. Will plan for it, with my brother and sister.
If I were to go with Susan again, we had promised to eat dim sum at Fu San Dim Sum Restaurant, find the nice stall selling ‘kaya kok’ and went to Cameron, after knowing that it’s only a 45minute drive away from Ipoh. And from this whole wk of hectic schedule and meaningful events, I had told myself to take things at a slower pace and reflect on myself. I found that I had few more weaknesses, those which I had not realised before. I mz somehow make myself more pleasant if I still wanna enjoy good companies 

In short (after such a long writing), it is a good week for me.
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