This week is an eventful one. One moment got good news consecutively, another moment bombshell was dropped. Then, news that made me anxious and over-worried (I tend to over-worry most of the time).
First, Y said she is getting married. Caught all of us by shock but of course we are glad for her. In fact, had agreed to be her chi mui. Though I don’t really know what chi mui does. Till now, we don’t know what is the theme and who will be the chi mui leader… Y must be busy arranging everything. Hmm, wedding preparation is quite tedious, that’s why I joked with my friend that if it is my wedding, I will only invite those close to me plus relatives for dinner then we go for ‘tour wedding’.
Save up all the troubles, my mom also won’t be so tired. But when I mooted out this idea to my colleagues, I kena ‘laser’ teruk teruk. They said wedding is once in a lifetime, sure la must do it nicely no matter how tiring it might be. True also, and it also depends on who your spouse is. Both may agree for simple wedding but the parents might not…
Talk about wedding, some will say that when you get married, you marry his or her whole family too. And the debates will always go on but I think there is some truth in it. You might not be able to take ur parents-in-law exactly as your biological parents but mutual respect and obedience is definitely a must. And I always believe we should treat the elderly with respect no matter how bad they are. That’s what make us Asian special, we still believe in self-virtue, though it’s depleting…
Second good news, T announced to our gang that she had accepted her bf’s proposal after like what….4 times? The bf is quite adamant to marry her, it seems. Must have decided at first sight that T is the one for him. They are indeed a very sweet couple. And T deserves a good guy. She is a good lady as well. Congratulations T! Though u will only get engaged next year, we are all ready to save up our annual leaves for you. We promised you one week, remember? That’s how happy we are for you.
Third good news, I will be handling new project which will open up more opportunities for me to learn about my job. To be precise, with this new project, I will be able to use it to facilitate my job. And I will be able to travel to other branches again. How I miss those in other branches. Though it is still in the initial stage and had yet to be approved, I do hope it will pass through the board meeting. Fingers crossed it will be.
I never thought it will be so fast as now I am handling another project and waiting for it to be certified. If both comes at the same time, I think there still shouldn’t be too much of a pblem, since I have two helpful assistants. Oh God, please grant me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I promise that I will work hard for it no matter how taxing it is. I am of the opinion that we need to have new projects in work to keep us motivated even if it might be very taxing. If not, life at work will be mundane.
Then…the sky came crushing down on me. Another staff resigned and now my Lab is seriously short-handed. I can’t ask them to stay cos the salary offered by their new employer is definitely too attractive to reject. But at the same time, what do you expect? You just can’t compare salary in food industry with those of packaging, plastic or electronics industry. Furthermore, the job is not too tough to be offered high salary. Though I have to agree that perhaps the increment is too low.
They might have forgotten that the company compensated them in a much better way though, which is one of the reason I am still here. But standing from their point of view, they have no choice but to leave esp since they are males who have to take care of the family later when they are married. Hmm, consulted FM and he said this is the norm. We just have to train and train and train new staff and be prepared with all these recruitment process. Perhaps lo..
Bad news #2, recently many customer complaints on the same issue. The Sales team purposely lodge many complaints I think. But I also understand their situation since they have to face the customers directly. Any scoldings or dissatisfaction, they will have to take it in. And sometimes when we make it sound like a big deal, then only the manufacturing side will be taking actions faster. Though it’s not related directly to Lab, I do feel that I need to take part since we are from the same company, it’s called collective responsibility I think? Besides, I get to learn while participating. Nevermind being the bad guy in this case. Experience learnt is worth it. And I do like the saying “Experience is what we get when we don’t get what we want”. Agree?
The thing which made me anxious was that I had decided to buy car in June 2010. Was 50/50 on whether to buy new Saga BLM or second hand car. If second hand car I prefer Kenari. Red Kenari to be exact. Don’t ask me why. Just love at first sight, haha. The other day, my mom’s neighbor asked her whether we are interested with his 2008 Saga BLM 1.3 (A) M-line or not. He can’t afford the instalments anymore.
So I had been thinking this over for the whole week, at the same time asking around for the procedures and stuff. The price offered is quite reasonable actually. I had actually decided to go for it. Then I thought of asking Mr Lim, a feng shui master who had been teaching us a bit on feng shui. He said the car plate is not good. But i was thinking, nvm la. I can live with that car plate, don’t plan to change the car plate anyway.
So now I only need to ask for better second hand hire purchase loan package from bank to bank. EON bank is quite OK. But from what I heard, the loan interest will increase in June and one more time in July. Seemed like the economy is boosting, though we won’t know for sure. Last time the government also said our economy was stable when actually we were already facing economic crisis at that time. Let’s hope for the best for the country.
Then I read news apout government planning to remove the subsidies (though still in preliminary stage and had yet to be approved by Parliment). Indeed this is the most unpopulist measure taken by Najib’s government thus far. Which reminds me of the email received quite some time ago. It talked about petrol price hike up to RM3++ per litre while car price might be slashed by 40%. Don’t know whether there is any truth in it. Sounds ridiculous but nothing is impossible nowadays, really.
If car price will really drop due to open market strategy for automobile industry, then it’s not worth it to purchase a second hand car. Silap-silap new car is much cheaper than this 2nd hand car I am buying. But now should I wait or should I purchase it? Paling tidak, I am just buying the car at a higher price lo. What to do? Hmm, it’s not good to think too much sometimes but who wouldn’t want to capture some savings when there is? Though this saving is still quite uncertain. i seriously need an advice. If only I can still ride motorcycle. I loved riding bike actually, except when it rains of course. Cos if drive car, got to depart early to work and will be caught in jam on the way home.
Perhaps I will just buy the second hand car la. I hate making choices but our maturity and wisdom is always reflected in the choices we made and the reasoning behind it of course. Proves that I still have a long way to go to be a matured and wise lady. Talking about luck, I asked my mom to get the hire purchase agreement from the owner. The next day, his car plate hit the lottery. First prize man!
The sad thing is we didn’t buy, not that I ever buy any lottery anyway. But the owner did hit the lottery. Good news for him. When it’s yours it will be yours. When it’s not meant to be yours, even if you had just encountered the number, it won’t be yours. Haiz…takde nasib. Haha. When I told my colleagues, they said ‘itulah, didn’t share with us. if not, we all also can hit the lottery’, then we all laughed together!
I remembered something from the feng shui class I recently attended. Just happened to be dragged into the class and was stuck to it ever since, though it will end soon, I reckon. We did the ‘dream chart’ where we got to divide it into 4 sections: 1) materials (what we want in life-money, work, house, car,etc); 2) family (type of family, marriage, life-partner, travel destination, etc); 3) spiritual (life we want, what we want for our parents, innerself); 4) chart given by Mr Lim.
OK, might sound confusing but basically we need to cut those images taken from magazines and paste it on the cardboard for each section, what we want to achieve in the future. To me, it serves as a reminder to remind us to achieve this and that and had to do with ‘Law of Attraction’. I seriously believe in Law of Attraction.
I remembered myself pasting all those ‘materials’ I planned to buy for section 1. But I forgot the most important thing:$$. Memang takde jodohwith it kua. Tengok, car plate also can naik 1st spot in lottery but tak kena! When I heard others presenting, then only I realise I didn’t paste anything related to finance! Aiseh man. Nvm, go back home paste it. Haha, For the 2nd section, I pasted the travel destinations I wish to go, the harmony in a family and health-related diagrams cos I want my family to be healthy.
Then I pasted a married couple, which I said I want to get married in 5 years (I also don’t know why 5 years, it came into my mind just like that) and I want a pair of twins. These two statements really caught me by surprise! I never thought about these until the moment I did the dream chart. But after go back home, I thought ‘Hmm, maybe 5 years is too fast and i actually want 4 kids, if my financial status allows it, so maybe the pair of twins are just part of the 4 kids I want’. I wonder how come I can thought of it.
I think my colleagues were caught by surprise too. As they always think of me as the iron lady, who focuses merely on career as I always told them I haven’t thought about dating and marriage yet. Hmm, perhaps God is hinting something since the idea came just like that? We will see if it happens or not 

Finally, today is Wesak Day. Had been waiting to donate blood. Haven’t done that for 2 years plus. The last time was during my uni years. Must donate blood somehow! That’s my current mission. Happy Wesak Day everyone!
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