U will realise I didn’t use the word “RESOLUTION”. No point. I know I won’t be able to stick to my so-called resolution anyway. Instead, this is my 2011 wish list which I hope at least 60% will be fulfilled.
- Climb Mount KK
- Go for Penang makan trip with fellow colleagues
- Monkey Beach hiking (done) or camping
Visit to USM Nibong Tebal to meet CMY(done)- Visit Straits Quay again for its CNY decoration
- Visit to KL for DG
- Reach new heights at work
- Enjoyable Bangkok trip with Wood Tech gang
Balik Pulau trip to Suk Hean’s home(done)- Get hooked up
- Earn good increment and bonus
- Disciplined life
I have another wish list, which I didn’t set any dateline.
- Sungai Lembing - heard the sunrise view is awesome and witnessed it through several blogs - made u feel as if u are in the heaven
- Skytrex adventure at Bukit Cahaya, Shah Alam - not sure whether I will be afraid of the height - let’s hope the adrenaline rush is worth it
- Cambodia trip - had heard a lot about the beauty of Angkor Wat - but also heard that it will be closed down for restoration
- Promotion to Asst QA Manager or QA Manager before reaching the age of 35 - 35 is the max otherwise I will feel like a failure
- Climb Gunung Tahan and visit Taman Negara - had always wanted to test my endurance - love to act tough
- Sponsor mom for a trip to foreign country such as China, Taiwan, Japan or Korea - after all I am a filial daughter
- Learn swimming - KYT, OWI, LJS offered to teach - let’s hope I can overcome my fear of this unfamiliar territory
- Backpacking trip to foreign countries - was jealous with Kelvin who went on his own trip in Kyoto and Barca
To be honest, life is short. Just do what you want. But one thing which I might not be able to do no matter how badly I want it, will be: to go for holiday visa in New Zealand. It’s only applicable to Malaysians below the age of 30 and I don’t think I can afford to ignore all my current commitments.
It’s true that life is short. But we should live responsibly as well. Only go for it if u can afford it. No pain no gain. Where there is a will there is a way. Hence, since I am not willing to sacrifice for the NZ visa holiday, this will be one regret which I am willing to live with, for a short while. Life should not be lived with any regret. So even if wanna regret due to something which u can’t really control, let the regret be short-lived 

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