26 September 2011


I believe this post will apply to many of my peers, be it for their work, their love life or simply put, their simple life! It is about the 90/10 principle (what happened in our life is 90% attributed to how we react and only 10% attributed to destiny) and also about being daring enough to embrace changes, or better still, to initiate changes!

Our lives are not determined by what happened to us
 but how we react to what happens,
Not by what life brings to us,
but by the attitude we bring to life.

A positive attitude causes
 a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.
It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.
Attitude determines your altitude in success.


Why Is Change Needed?

Many times, in order to survive
we have to start a change process.
We sometimes need to get rid of old memories,
habits and other past traditions.

Only freed from past burdens,
can we take advantage of the present.
Make peace with the past
so that it won't screw up the present.

The only thing permanent is CHANGES.

Note: This was taken from a forwarded email I received and some of the quotes were taken from elsewhere. I didn't quote the source as I didn't know who is the source.

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