24 May 2012

To Define Or Not To Define

Came across this in FB so would like to share it here. Yes, I am getting lazy to pen in my own thoughts due to lack of time (yeah, lame excuse I know). Because I don't like to vent out half-heartedly. Sort of like not doing my own self some justice by not penning in my thoughts properly. At least, by sharing things which had been written somewhere, I don't have to spend too much time on the post, unless I got really upset, pissed off or jubilant over something important to me.

I do not define myself by how many roadblocks have appeared in my path,
I define myself by the courage I've found to forge new roads.

I do not define myself by how many disappointments I've faced,
I define myself by the forgiveness and the faith I have found to begin again.

I do not define myself by how long a relationship lasted,
I define myself by how much I have loved, and been willing to love again.

I do not define myself by how many times I have been knocked down,
I define myself by how many times I have struggled to my feet.

I am not my pain.
I am not my past.
I am that which has emerged from the fire.

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