15 July 2014

#100happydays Day 10 120714

Happy Day 10 (12/07/2014)
Got free samples from Everyday.
 Borrowed post from 15/07/2014 since I was in AKY course and I didn't snap photo.
I got the chance to eat Indian vegetarian food in D'Piazza, quite decent.
 Got a notice on 13/7 asking me to collect registered parcel from Pejabat Pos Lunas.
Felt weird because my area is classified under Pejabat Pos Kulim all this while.
Nervous as well because the last time I collected one, it was a PDRM summon.
Went to Pejabat Pos Lunas on 15/7 only to be told that the "clever" postman stamped wrongly.
It was supposed to be Pejabat Pos Kulim indeed.
Luckily it was the samples from EverydayMe.
Downy for fabric softener.
Olay Regenerist for anti-ageing cream.
Thank you EverydayMe.
Will pass to mom and review them on EverydayMe soon.

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