To be honest, MY really knows my activities and she constantly reminds me of my outgoing activities. Thanks again for the reminder. I gotta control more strictly. I will try not to load too much activities already. Why? Simple… more activities = more money, which I don’t have much now. I hope I can keep to my own words of not having any out-of-Malaysia trip in 2012. Time to save up some money for emergency fund.
But there are still some activities which I must continue, which I cannot live without:
a) sports - hiking, badminton, jogging, whichever…
b) Sunday to be reserved for Kulim, unless I am out-station
The other day, I read something online. It says frugality only plays a role until certain stage, after which earning more income is more of the solution to improve ur finance. I couldn’t agree more. But for the time being, I dono what I am going to do. So until then… frugality will be my way for the time being.
Keeping in touch with friends via online is made easier with FB but with restriction in Internet connection since I am renting room outside, it got lesser. Nevertheless I realized that without Internet there was actually much more things which I can achieve. I count that as blessing… My friends always say I am busy. Actually I was trying to accomodate everyone into my schedule, which I think I should cap it too.
The other day, LP asked why I post so frank in previous blog entry? Stop guessing. It was not what u people think, only those I consulted will know what I mean. So stop speculating. To me, life is short and I should do what I want. Yes, people may give advice all along the way but it’s my call whether to take heed of the advice. And I do appreciate all those previous comments. Thanks to those few who had been my loyal listener.
U know I am referring to you. So I apologize if u felt irritated by the constant nagging. But trust me, i agree with u when u say that the decision is urs to make, the advices are for u to choose as to which one u would like to take heed of. And I always believe that we shouldn’t care too much about what others think of us. No one can satisfy everyone 100%. As long as u are happy, be it. So go ahead and do what u want! U have my support 

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