My heart ached for this friend. Let’s call her M. M called me. Listened to her encounter. We all knew that will be the outcome. But didn’t know how will the meeting unfold itself and how will it end. Now we know. Not the good ending we hope to happen (expected actually) and she really got hurt real bad.
Damn! I felt like strangling and choking him for his selfishness. M can still defend him by saying he had his own reason. Come on, a guy’s responsibility when committing to a relationship is to ensure that his partner won’t suffer due to him. He knew the final outcome and yet he started with M. If not SELFISH, what would u call him? If u side the guy, please don’t tell me or else I am gonna strangle u too!!!
M, if u are reading this, u are wise! U know, I know, everyone knows! U are too good for him. He is not worth the grief and pain u are excruciatingly feeling now. LET GO! Be cruel to yourself. To hell with him! Apology for my words, M. U might not feel comfortable that everyone is resenting and scolding him, but we couldn’t help it.
Who on earth does he think he is, playing with u until such a magnitude and acting cool when he should be the one ending it? Screw him! Love but not willing to sacrifice. Knew that there won’t be good outcome but still started it. Such an IRRESPONSIBLE and SELFISH guy. INSINCERE! A guy not willing to give is not worth ur time and affection. Always find a guy who loves u more than u love him. It’s proven to be working!
Please…. distance urself from this poison ivy. STOP ANY FORM OF CONTACT IMMEDIATELY! U can re-establish the contact with him after u healed ur wounds. But not anytime before that! Don’t cari pasal. What u need now is DETERMINATION and WILL POWER to LET GO! Cry all the way u want if it makes u feel better but u must LET GO. Otherwise, cry until blind also nothing changes. What for?
Having said this, perhaps it’s good to let ur dad knows about this. He might have warned u but a dad is still his daughter’s best confidante when the time needs be. At least u don’t have to hide ur feelings that hard. Anyhow, I respect ur decision no matter what! If don’t want to reveal, then don’t la.
Treat this as ur experience in love. Don’t regret it a bit. U learnt the hard way, that miracles don’t work that easily in love. Time will heal but it must start from ur heart. Stay strong. Stay tough. Stay invincible. Perhaps too exaggerating!
But the message must get across: ONLY U CAN HELP URSELF. I can advise and console u until my mouth is dry but if u don’t practise it, don’t try hard, also no point. It’s hard to pull out suddenly but time heals. Easy for me to say because I am not the one in the sinking boat. I am only offering my opinion from my stand point of view.
REMEMBER: LET GO! Don’t keep on thinking why can’t two ppl who love each other be together? Love is not just about romance, mind u. This shouldn’t have happened in the first place. But it happened and since it’s already a thing in the past, live up to ur own self. Life must go on.
U must not ignore the little noises reverberating in ur mind, warning of any uncertainties or doubts. Listen to ur heart and mind. Both must be synchronized and work together. An IRRESPONSIBLE, SELFISH and INSINCERE man shouldn’t be picked in the first place. But at least u get ur own answer. Time will be the healing factor now…
All the best to u, M! U can do it! Remember to LET GO. Remember to treat urself better, U have my support!
> 17.05.2011 (leeping)
I guess M would have tears in her eyes while reading ur blog as one of her great frens in her life n she has let go after that night 

> 17.05.2011 (name me)
doubt she would do as you say, as love is blind.
> 18.05.2011 (turtlerocks)
name me, why appear so mysterious? any chance ur name starts with D, K or C?
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