18 June 2011

#14 - Scary encounter

Shit, shit and shit….

Please forgive my words,but i jz had to do this….shit..shit…shit.

My gosh, today i took a bus from Klang bus terminal to Mid Valley Megamall to meet my dearest room mate, Chee Yee…I was very much looking forward to it, esp cos v didn’t get to chat much during our convocation. She is my closest fren in USM during my final semester…I loved her so much, though i oways bully her…I am not the type of person to let u know that I adore u, ok? Ego factor i guess…

So..back to my story..

There I was, sitting in the bus, waiting nervously for the bus to depart since this is the first time I am taking the bus to Mid Valley, and I am not even sure where should I stop…A foreign guy sat next to me, I jz ignored him..One minute after the bus depart, the guy asked me some question about his destination, Central Market..how far from here?wat is interesting here?blah..blah….blah….

Thinking that I was alone n bored n wanted to portray the friendly Msian inmage, I chatted with him n suggested a few places to him..Imagine that I had to go closer to him in order to listen to what he is saying (I think that’s where he got the wrong msg), cos I am not really used to his slang…but overall..i get what he meant.

Now the story began here…then he started to tell me that he is actually surveying the place in msia so that he can spend his honeymoon in msia 2 months later…sounds normal rite?he told me that his future wife is his own sister….I was shocked to hear that.Thinking that maybe he was talking about his cousin sister, I rechecked with him, n he was very sure that his future wife is his own sibling…My gosh…I never knew that Muslim allowed that…That will be called sumbang mahram rite? But he said that it’s a norm there…Now,when I come to think about it, mayb he bluffed me…damn!

Next…the conversation started to follow a weird direction…I thought I heard wrongly, but suddenly I heard the word F***ing and S***ing…He repeated it a few times, n this time I can be very sure that he mentioned those words…”O..Ou..”I was thinking that time..My mind told me to react fast….Is this called verbal sexual harassment?He was actually talking about sth related to sex…

Imagine my naivety wen he asked me “Where can I buy English love movies,my future wife loved them” All right, wanting to be the good samaritan, I told him that he can easily find them in any video store in shopping complex. Wen he told me that he went to a few already, but he cant find it, I thought that it was weird.Thinking that maybe he wanted a few specific English movie that maybe old dated o sth, I jz let it be..Now it occurred to me…he was actually talking about porno movie…

Shit Shit Shit…Bull shit..What kind of man is this?Do I look like I am so open-minded and can easily talk about it with a stranger, in a bus where others can easily hear that?(Not that I will talk about it to strangers). I hope no one in the bus heard what he said….So humiliating.Well, I guessed maybe I had reacted a bit slow n he got the idea that it’s ok for him to continue…Cant blame me, I m quite naive n din quite get the direction of his conversation..So later when I realize it, I told him with a straight face that in Msia, it’s not a norm for us to talk about this with strangers in public.Dont even say public, u dont usually talk about that to strangers,rite? After that, I am being a bit cold towards him, and only answered him shortly.Luckily I got down the bus at an earlier stop than him…It was such an awkward moment.

He did try to talk about it a little while afte that, but I stopped him..I m glad I did that…Tht guy really tarnished my impression of men from Middle East…I don’t know..Maybe u can say that i over reacted o sth, but to me, it shud not happen that way…call me ‘gadis kampung’ o wat..but i tink even modern city gal wil feel uncomfortable with this kind of situation.

I heard that guys with plenty hairs are actually a bit ‘gatal’ n more inclined towards sex.I may be wrong, but I do believe in it somehow, esp afte this encounter.The only explanation I can think of is maybe it’s because the women in Arab must wear ‘burkha’ to cover all their faces except their eyes, meaning the guys cant c much of a woman in the public.So the more u restrict them,the more they wanted to do it, rite?Just like kids, the more u forbid them from eating sweets, the more they craved for it. Just try locking them up in a room full of sweets for one whole mth, u bet they wil swear to nv touch sweets anymore!

So the same thing goes here…the more u restrict them from seeing women, the easier hey get a bit ’stimulated’. and it so happen on the day that I thought I can be a good and friendly Msian.

My gosh, I cant believe it………..but luckily I met Chee Yee after that..was relieved to see her..Miss her so much…No one to share my stories all this while (since we are no longer room mate)..Now I know she is good!Dont tell her I mentioned this, if not she will kembang hidung:D

That’s it…next time it’s better to keep a distance from a foreigner, regardless of the country they come from, need to draw a borderline to stop giving ppl the wrong msg or driving them to thinking that it’s ok to do that…But of course it still depends on ur judgement as well…
Turtle, pls be smarter next time!!

> 25.10.2008 (Rick Boyer)Comment on October 25th, 2008.
I found your site on Google and read a few of your other entires. Nice Stuff. I’m looking forward to reading more from you.

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