18 June 2011

#17 - wuhoo!!


It feels so good to be able to be at home for 3 weeks. And now I am back in Klang, which if nth happens in between, I will be able to be based in Prai for good after 2 weeks here in Klang.

Right now, it’s a mixed emotion. Excited, nervous, sad…u named it. Excited cos I will have to depend on myself most of the time when I am in Prai (though I know that in the beginning, I will still call back to Klang for some help). Nervous cos I don’t know how well can I survive there. Sad cos I will be leaving behind a few good friends in Klang. Will miss their company.

Can I be tough and stern enough to play my role as a QA Executive? Can I establish a reputable image for the Lab, just like how Ms Choo did it?Man…I can tell u this for sure………Ms Choo has my 100% respect. She is one hell of a talent, both in communication and technical skills. She can handle the toughest customer and yet at the same time is able to tame the wildest idea. And ppl just listen to her, of course most of the time she has her own point in that.

I wish to be like her. Talking about being at home for 3 weeks, I had finally managed to meet my niece of 1 mth old. Unfortunately, I only managed to look at the elder of the twins. Cos my sister went out station already, bringing my nephew and the younger of the twins together with her. Guess I will have to wait until I work in Prai for sure before I can see my other niece. The niece that I have seen is so cute and looks like her brother when he was still a baby of her age. I bet u cant tell that the photos shown r actually her brother’s and not hers. It is so similar.

When working in Prai, I made a few new frens. Some are suppliers while some are colleagues that I hv nv seen before. But one thing is for sure. I had grown fat. My gosh, I was about 55 to 57 kg last time. And that day when my brother produce a scale for me to weigh myself, it reads 58.5kg. Man, waistline is expanding but lucky me cos I am still tall enough that most ppl cant notice that I have grown fatter, except for my face which I think look rounder than before.

Anyhow, will try to beef up my exercise soon. Stamina hasn’t been trained for quite some time now. Hope can live up to my words. Cos I am oways the ‘hangat hangat tahi ayam’ type of person.

Hey, 2009 is coming soon. Maybe I can make a list of how to improve in order to help myself to change. Who knows?

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