18 June 2011

#18 - Clock ticking away

Hmm…Learnt a lot these few days,but not really just these few days,really.What I meant is referring more to the 6months that I have been working, stepping into the so-called ‘real world’.Observed quite some things.Observation is really the best tool for u to guard urself when u r so unsure of everything.
Things change. The way u think change. The way u see things change. The way u look at things n interpret it change. The way u feel about urself and others change.

In short, a lot of things have changed and is still changing. Time flies and never wait for us.Whenever u r reflecting on urself,u wil realize that 6mths r neither short nor long.Tonnes of things can happen. Dozens of stuffs can occur. Whether it’s tonnes or dozens,u r the sole deciding factor here.Treasure it onot, it all depends on u.

As for me, I treasure it for sure.The experience and frens gained in Klang,the working environment there,the landlord there who treat me like their own daughter and etc.I will keep these memories in my mind.No guarantee of keeping it permanently but I know it will stay quite long there.No doubt about that.

Back to the changes that I have seen. Frens change.The way they treat u and talk to u changed.The way they look at u changed.And it is getting a bit tiresome to care about how they r changing n treating u o sth like dat.Whatever it is,the best way to live with urself is to be ur true self.Nvm what others might wanna say.The keypoint here is that u r happy with urself.When u r happy with urself,u tend to see things from a brighter point of view.

POSITIVE THINKING!! Only two words yet it brings such a powerful motivation,if u noe how to interpret it.U cant oways be positive-minded,but at least 50% of the time u r optimistic rather than being pessimistic.This one,I have to agree.True to the bottom of my heart.

Change for gud or for bad,that is unevitable.When things go the wrong way,u jz hv to stand up and brave through it.Then u wil see a clear bright sky awaiting u in the far horizon.My gosh…Doesn’t sound like me at all.Haha.

So, whatever it is,I will be back in Prai to work starting 15th Dec.No more travelling to be done.Get to be at home with my mom.I am a girl with very few words of passion.Hence,I can nv dare myself to say out the ‘touchy’ phrases.More often than not,I kept all the gratitudes n gud wishes within myself.And trust me,it’s not good.Learning to voice it out.Have to anyway.I will be leaving Klang soon,hence I must express my gratitude to those concerned, to those who hv been trying to making my life easier in Klang.

So grateful to hv met them.Thank you again and again!

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