18 June 2011

#23 - The Real Working Life

Finally, my true workload is starting to ring a sound and true reality to me. Production just started running and I am struggling with the formulation, hoping that not much problem can occur after all.But hope is finally just a hope.Where got working life without any problem, esp when u r at the start of a prodxn?

Dah la my troubleshooting not that good, some more so many problems come at the same time.I went back from work nearly 8.30pm everyday.There is no one to blame,I simply don’t catch things fast and is still lack of self-confidence, esp when it involves production.

Just last few weeks ago, I got a very devastating news.My Factory Manager (whom I report directly to) simply made a baseless claim that tarnish the Lab’s reputation (indirectly my image, since I am responsible to handle the Lab) without checking his facts. Either he got the wrong info or he is simply the type of person who talk without checking his facts.Wonder how did he manage to become a Factory Manager.Well, it all just proved one thing to me.There is no friend in the working world,u have the laughing friend but never trust that u have a faithful and sincere friend.Lucky I got to know about what he said from another HOD from the HQ.Imagine that, the news spread to the HQ before I got to know about it.

So sometimes, no matter how bad ur working environment is, ur superior plays a role in producing a conducive working environment.If I were to have such a good superior as the HOD from the HQ, I will be super grateful.But it’s not for me to choose.Still have to accept the fact that I am under this so-called “Factory Manager”.Just the sight of him make me feel disgusted.Call me small-hearted or what, but the sense of betrayal is too sharp, much sharper than a knife which pierces through my heart.

Was very angry and upset upon knowing that and was adamant not to be within his vicinity in the future.However, my common sense got the better of me.The next morning, I woke up feeling very fresh and got a brilliant way to explain myself and to solve the problem.Glad I didn’t resort to confronting him as I planned earlier (I even planned to ‘fan lian’ with him).Somehow, my common sense returned and reminded me that I still need to work under him until his retirement, which is not very soon.So everytime I face him, I am wearing a mask and force myself to smile the fakest smile possible.Now I am being very careful in whatever that I am doing esp when it involves him.Let him know Igot do my work, initiatively and independently.

Yes, I am a freshie and I am the most junior executive here, but so what?I am not the ‘Yes Man” type and won’t simply let others bully me.U step on my tail again and U will see what I can do.Sometimes the demon inside me can get provoked and may all the Hell break loose by that time.Don’t blame me when that time comes!

Apart from that, I am a stupid executive when it comes to troubleshooting.Keep having to go back to the HOD from HQ for advise.Dono whether it’s lack of experience or I am simply not a good material when it comes to troubleshooting.I wanna be more brave and confident when facing problems in the future.But something in me is still holding me back.Perhaps it’s the lack of knowledge (which I deemed must be because I very seldom read technical books related to my field).

I must be strong and more disciplined.I must.For my future.For those who had hurt me before.I will show u who is Tan Kweng Pheo.I am my father’s daughter, that’s who I am! :D

> 20.02.2009 (Kelvin) 
Troubleshooting = Problem solving. Need to think a bit more logically and not be hasty. Remember that the devil is in the details.

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