Latest update about me.
I am glad that I have a bunch of friends, from different backgrounds and walks of life. U know why? So that I can hear different opinions whenever I am facing some doubts. U like to talk about work with some friends, u like to talk about sports with another friend, then u like to talk about all the things with another different friend. It feels good to keep in touch with all of them, no matter whether we meet often or whether we seldom meet.
Tmrw I am climbing Tokun Hill with Chuah, afternoon may ask Yong and Kheng to eat laksa. Sun will meet another bunch of old friends from Badlishah. Really miss them. How about Mon? Stay whole day at home, playing with my nieces, and chat with my mom of course. But Sun for sure I will go to ‘fang tai sui’. Maybe it’s a bit late, but..better late than never la, I think.Wow, amazing, been packing my schedules so full. Not to mention that my brother’s brithday is on Sun. He is holding a party on Sat nite at my home.Gotta go home early for that.That means tmrw I won’t be going to work.
Today is a day with events. My emotions swing from normal to anger, to excitement to eagerness, to joy. All within this short period of ~10 hours. Again, met with my friend whom I haven’t seen for so long for lunch. Then was a bit angered with the office, but I admit that I had jumped into conclusion too fast and made the wrong judgement. I apologize on that. Then, there goes my Factory Manager case again. He may not mean it or was intending for it to be a joke or what, but I really can’t take it. The hot steam was produced in full swing. I was steaming with anger when I heard what I heard. However, upon MSN with a S’pore friend, I felt better and again I come to my senses again.
Then got a friend who mentioned that she read my blog and know that I am not happy with my job. But I mz clarify here, I am happy with my job. I may be struggling but I have great passion for this work. The working environment is not bad and just because of some people who keeps on stabbing ur back or talk about u (don’t know what’s his intention or I did stepped onto his tail without realising), doesn’t mean that I hate this job. One bad apple can’t represent the whole organization.
In fact, I am glad I met this kind of person. At least I know there is this kind of person and is aware of this. Mz learn to bottle up my feelings during work. It’s not good to let my subordinates see my tempers flare or emotionally unstable. Not a good example to set and not a respectable leader. I am being too straightforward. Need to learn to bend now and then. I am grateful to have a good bunch of Lab Techs. I may be strict with them but I love them dearly, as my subordinate or course.
And another thing to be happy about is that I talked to my Executive Director today and he was telling me some story. Really calmed down during that time.Before that, was boiling with anger de. Really must train up my EQ already, if not, how am I going to be a good superior?
Boey, thanks for ur advise and hp talks all this while. Ur hp bill must be expensive. I owe u to that. Our views are different, hence we can talk more freely. I shoot u, u shoot me. Yik Ling is a cheerful girl, a smile is always on her face. Sometimes when I felt useless or stressed, I will ask her out just to vent out my anger and see her cute face. Somehow it manage to soothe my anger.SMSing some stupid msg to frens also keep me updated about my friends, besides fooling around with them.
I miss the Turtle gathering. Though at times it may seem that we have less to talk about, I still miss it. Will organize a gathering soon. This time at Phay San house. Turtle group, u guys wait ok.Then there’s Kelvin, whenever he is on9 when I am, he will politely ask “How r u doing?”Then he will teach me on various matters, he is really like a walking encyclopedia.Melvin too.Both are very good on9 friends.
I am grateful with my life though there may be more downs and ups at certain time. But I am sure to remind myself not to be overdemanding of life when I already had most of what I wanted. Live life to the fullest!!! Erm…I am still learning for that part la. Procrastination is another factor for me to consider. Learning is really a lifelong process after all!!
> 07.03.2009
I think everyone sure experience at least one of such similar incident in work…..NVm…as long as we tell ourself we did our best….Agree??? Everyone there…Add oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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