The other day I was rushing back to my rented room after work, to change into casual wear to meet up with my frens for dinner. Rush this and that, and finally I was closing and locking my door when……I caught a glimpse of my room key a second before I locked it.What a good day for this to happen.And it so happened that my housemate was at home. Talk about luck.I was back home early that day and usually there won’t be anyone at home at that time of the day.But about luck.
So there I went…to knock on his door, and he was quite suprised when he opened the door. First, I seldom reach home that early and second, I rarely went upstairs (where his room is located) as my room was situated downstairs. Then, I had to thicken my face and asked him to open the main door for me, as my room key was chained together with my main door key. Meaning, if no one was at home that time, I would practically be trapped in the living room, not being able to do anything. Can’t enter my room and can’t exit the house.Lucky I brought my motorbike’s key and wallet.
I had a spare key, but only for my room, none for the main door. The spare key was in my office. My office key was in my bag, which was in my room. So basically, I can’t get any spare key to enter the house and my room. No choice, I went home to Kulim and played with my niece the whole night until we slept. The next morning, had to ask the Secretary for Master key to open my office, entering without my working bag. After work, rush back home again before my housemate went out. She was kind enough to wait for me. End of story…felt so foolish that I didn’t keep a spare key inside the house, as advised by my housemate earlier. Now I know…and will go to duplicate my keys later.
Talk about luck again…the other day we saw a phyton in my company. Our company was having some renovation work done due to some sinking pblem. And it was then that they discovered the phyton when they digged under some rubbles. It was the first time I saw a phyton with my own eyes. But…I only told my mom and my sister about it the next day. Imagine…when I told them, they said that I should have informed them earlier. The 2nd prize for the 4D on the same day was the number associated with phyton. Haha…really…talk about luck. So I do believe that if u believe in luck, the Lady Luck will knock on ur door sooner or later. I didn’t believe in 4D, that’s why it hadn’t occur to me to inform my mom and my sister immediately once it happened.
Talk about luck again….I had suggested sth to a big customer and she seemed dissatisfied enough for her email to sound infuriating.Then I had to reread my reply to her for the umpteenth times before I dare to send it to her. That’s the thing with email. Since it is typed and can be forwarded and CCed to many people at one time, it is a black and white proof of what u had committed urself into. It can be a useful weapon for u to attack people and at the same time, it can also be a harmful weapon for u to be attacked.She even CCed it to the big boss. Luckily the big boss was understanding enough to ask the customer to settle it with me herself. And a counterpart from another branch threw a good suggestion for me to ponder upon.
There was indeed a lot of thinking to be done. It was a simple thing on the surface, but deep down inside, there is plenty to consider before we decide that it is OK to do as suggested. After checking with HQ, I got more things to consider before deciding to go ahead with the plan. Just hope that things will go as planned. about luck…today…I just wanna reconfirm some facts and details with the same customer, cos there was some contradiction on what she had communicated to me ytdy with what she had requested during our plant audit some time ago. But of course, the contradiction was favorable to us. So I put a brave upfront and sugarcoat my email and risk to ask about it. And she agreed with my facts. Phew…talk about luck. Just when u think that things may go wrong this way, u got the suprise when things turn out even better than what u had expected. about luck.It is funny.I always tell my frens that when ever they are feeling down and sombre, it is only temporary. The negative feeling may last a few days, but after that, if we managed to open ourhearts, we will realise that things aren’t that bad and will turn better soon. That’s why ppl say that life is always a cycle. There will be ups and downs. So whenever I had my ‘downs’, I am eager to wait for the ‘ups’. Even if it’s not a total 180 degree tranformation from down to up, a 90 degree turn will do.Talk about luck and positive thinking.
And one last story about luck..and destiny. I was asking a fren to join my company as we wanted to hire another staff. She agreed on the basis that she can find an accomodation that’s near to me as she didn’t own a transport. I offered to give her a lift. So the hunt for a room nearby my area begun. And just when we gave up (either the room was too small for her and the landlord wasn’t too friendly or the other room was situated some distance away from my place-she didn’t want to trouble me to travel that small distance to fetch her-perhaps don’t want me too much), a very amusing thing occured. So as thing goes, she finally rejected the offer apologetically, which I think was unnecessary.Working life is always like that.It is part and parcel of working, if u want it, say YES and if u don’t it, then jz REJECT.So to speak, and talk about luck again, it was quite funny actually.
My fren rejected my offer and on the same day, my housemate informed me that there will be an empty room for rent in my house (as one housemate is leaving to work in KL). We had been searching for the whole area for a room which was suitable for my fren and situated near to me all this while and just when she rejected the offer, there is a room available to be rented. Some is in the same house as mine. But I didn’t persuade her to accept the offer again in the end, as she may have her other reasons to reject the offer. Might as well save the pain of placing her in an awkward position. about luck..and destiny too..Life is always full of suprises when u least expect them
And just when I decided that I am done with this post and am going to switch off everything and go home, a heavy downpour starts to set in. Which was not really a good news for me, as I am riding motorcycle to work. So..instead of drenching myself, I might as well stay in my office and finish off some other work..TALK ABOUT LUCK..

> 03.04.2009 (jyyyin)
Chill…….life is full of surprises..
> 14.06.2011 (ecodiaxia)
Very Interesting Post! Thank You For Thi Blog!
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