20 June 2011

#43 - What can you do?

This week doesn’t seem too rosy for me.

We had just finished our internal audit practical this week and I am proud to see some us committed to it despite some complaints. Biasalah, we humans like to complaint baru syok nak buat kerja. But unfortunately one of our auditee failed due to weak implementation and lacking in documentation, which according to the trainer, warrants a MAJOR. If it was actual audit, it will fail the system and auditor will go home on the spot. Nevertheless, we are still optimistic as we still have some time. It’s a team work after all.

I have learnt to be more relaxed and not as uptight as previously. Perhaps because I have 2 assistants who can share my work and since we are nearly of the same age, we can talk about some other stuff during lunch to divert our attention to elsewhere. But the best part is….badminton every Monday. I look forward to it every week. The happiest moment for me during weekdays, I must say.

I have always known that I don’t have 人缘 with those key person in Prai and I prefer to stay in my lab unless there is a need for me to go to office. Just when I thought I am OK, there is always something which breaks my pride and motivation. Hearing sayings like ‘ Why Lab turn over so high? Ms Tan very lousy is it?’, ‘Why must complicate the whole HACCP system? Why want to follow *** system? Why don’t follow **** system? **** system is much simpler and they still get HACCP certification. Why want to follow ***? They have many people..Prai only a few. Very easy to get HACCP certification only lah’

I don’t care too much about the content. What I don’t understand is that why would they talk behind ppl’s back? Put up a brave front and talk in front of me if you dare to! Easier said than done lah! Why can’t they understand that everyone have their own way to do things? If you are not happy just mention it to me, I am always open to constructive comment. Nevertheless, it will never happen in Prai here.

No matter what they say, I will still involve these many people in my HACCP system as I want them to know that it’s not easy to maintain it. Frankly speaking, I am not demotivated currently. Not even a single tear. It was more towards wanting to see us getting HACCP certified (like what you said, my baby) and don’t even bother claiming any credit to it (Boss will always think that it’s part of my job anyway). But the sense of pride will always be there. What makes me sad is that I don’t feel appreciated and I know I deserve better.

Actually I have thought of leaving these recent months and had decided to wait for next year’s increment before deciding my next course of action. I am happy with my work here but the ‘sense of belonging’ in the company wasn’t really there. I agree that salary isn’t everything and as long as I am being rewarded justifiably, I am OK. I felt grateful having some helpful seniors and if I don’t bother about those ‘small ppl’ it was a wonderful exposure for me actually. So I am still staying, esp if there might be a chance to handle a new project in the future.

I am still naïve but I want to stay that way. Being positive is a very important part of my life. Hence I don’t want to be prejudiced. It’s not a good feeling. We can forgive but never forget as the scar will always be there. I am not hurt but merely disappointed. I am happy that we Lab ppl can click well despite being stern to them. And I always rmber what my colleague told me before: 要吃饭吗,要就要继续做下去咯! Well said…

Today went for Cheng Beng, weather extremely hot but overall, we all get to meet up with relatives and exchange updates. The only catch was that, the fungal infection on my hand seemed to be quite persistent. And usually it happens on hot sunny days. Very itchy… Hate it.. My KK trip is only a few days away lah… How to go if like this? Definitely will go see doctor this Monday, hopefully still not too late.

Gonna buy Saga already, by hook or by crook. By June, will scout for car specifications etc. Then, I will go into frugal spending mode. No more weekends packed with activities except those related to sport. Have to reduce spending. Actually even thought of asking mom to terminate her shop’s business and stay at home cos it’s very heart-aching to see her so tired everyday. But…. financially, it’s not practical. So for the time being, mom still has to persevere lah. Hope I will do good in my career so that I can ease mom’s burden..

Talking about spending, my KK trip is from 1st to 4th April. Going with Chanuri, her fiance, Kim and her mom, and Chanuri’s housemates. Total 7 of us. Saw on news that it’s a dry spell in KK currently and water ration may be imposed soon. Cross fingers that it won’t happen to us when we are there… And oh, no Mount KK climb for this trip as it is a bit short actually. Will plan for it next time, when got chance. But, frankly speaking, since it was being privatised, if you take a package to climb Mount KK, you need about RM800-900, which is quite expensive. But my friend told me that if you arrange everything by yourself, then it will only be around RM400. See how big is the difference? But of course, it involves more work la.

Hmm, next week will be a busy week for me still, since my workload is piling up high for the last 3 days of training. Went back late nearly everyday, except Monday (cos got badminton :)) just to settle some of those which are more urgent ones. Nevertheless, being positive is important! Hope to have a better week next week, so that I can go to KK with relaxed mind..

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