Obviously I failed my vow to be in FB for only 1 hr / day for the 1st week. But I am cutting it down slowly and I think I can do it. Why? Cos I am starting to indulge in reading. Start with motivational books first. If you haven’t heard about it, I would suggest ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Robin S.Sharma. It might be slightly long-winded and heavy with words but it provides some inspiring insights for me.
Though I am still halfway through it, I found myself reflecting further into my life while reading it. It was lent to me by my respectable senior since last year and I still haven’t finished it this year. Talk about procrastination…But I am going to finish it soon. Hope she doesn’t mind too much. Now I know why she said don’t buy any books for her as she wouldn’t have time to read them. Cos now I also barely found the luxury to indulge in reading. Perhaps cutting off time on FB will allow it.
Went to yoga class for the first time ytdy night and felt exhilarating. I had always known I would be facing problem with the stretching as my posture wasn’t so good and it was proven during that class. Even teacher said must be due to my poor posture. But can be rectified wor. Hopefully lo.
I think I like yoga though initially I prefer to opt for aerobics. But since my colleague was interested in yoga, might as well I give it a try too. No regret! Can really felt the muscles stretching. To my relief, I didn’t experience too much body ache the next day. Perhaps I didn’t really stretch. My other colleague…she SMSed me today to inform me of her pain. Thank God, not me!
Recently more and more people are coming for badminton, so happy! But don’t know whether this will last long or not. So far only Koay, Lee and I are the fixed players. The rest only come when they can make it. Even Sim was playing MIA recently. Nevertheless, I always cherish Monday and look forward to finish work fast so that I can sweat more. My friends always say “Why are you so into sports and outgoing?”
Actually I am not outgoing. I just like sports cos I can sweat more. Besides that, sports like hiking, badminton and yoga are cheap, and can help me to release stress and stay fit at the same time. Considering my ‘not so ideal’ financial status, that’s the best I can do. But seriously, I gotta watch out my diet. Had been eating like it’s nobody’s business. Sooner or later, sure kena warning signs.
Speaking about eating, I got mood when it comes to eating. Sometimes can whallop 2 plates of rice one short (mind you, my rice portion is never small), sometimes don’t feel like eating at all. Dangerous, proper diet shouldn’t be like that. Well, my meal portion is bigger than most female friends I have but slightly smaller than some of my male friends. And if you placed my meal next to the ladies, people might think that mine was for male. And they always say I makan tak gemuk.
My usual reply: “I am not thin, I am tall”. It’s the truth and my friends always rolled their eyes when they hear that. Hmm… perhaps i had good karmas in the past life so I had the privilege of being tall and doesn’t look too fat despite my huge appetite? And oh, I do have higher metaoblism rate than the average female. Another advantage I have there. So the more reason why I should watch my diet and not take it for granted. Rmber, rmber, rmber!
Speaking about male, you know how Chinese believe in karma, life after death and reincarnation? If you have good karmas, you will be reincarnated into human, deity etc, depending on how good were you when you were alive. After it was decided which stage of reincarnation were you supposed to be assigned to, you need to queue up, drink a soup to erase any lingering memory from past life and jump into the specified hole and walah…u are recincarnated into that ’form’.
Now, I always told my close friends that since I am not very girlish and like sports and a bit tomboyish, there must have been some mistake somewhere in the middle as I believed I should be a male. I suspected that I was supposed to queue up for the ‘male hole’ but due to my curiosity and mischievous nature, I somehow peeped into the ‘female hole’ and accidentally fell into it. And now here I am, being a female.
And most of my close friends will just laugh at my baseless imagination. Funny? Well, I do have some wild imaginations running through my mind every now and then, and that’s why my Turtle gang always ridicule me most of the time. Cos I crapped every now and then. Nevertheless, I enjoy being like that

Oh, and the other day, chatted with SPZ and she voiced out her intention to go for working vacation in New Zealand. Gotta apply to some body in M’sia and upon approval (gotta have sufficient fund and enough visa validity period before allowed to go there as the applicants should leave NZ once the 6 months period was over), can go there but find ur own accomodation and work. It would be nice if only we had the courage to leave behind what we had established here and go there to work and travel at the same time. Not easy esp since I already have commitment over here.
Can’t just leave for 6 months like that. Besides no boss would want to wait for you to return and allow you to resume your position just like that, unless if you really have the value. I don’t think I have. So, it all remains a dream after all. But I do hope that the chance will come someday. I had a friend, THL already undergoing such a program, with her friends. So ’siao sha’. Slim chance for me though, only limited to 30 years and below. By the time I reach 30, things might be different totally. Speaking about courage, it reminds me of this phrase given by another senior
***Grant me the courage to change the things I can, and the serenity to accept the things I can’t***
Well said, I think it helped to mould him into what he is today

> 05.09.2010 (leeping)
***Grant me the courage to change the things I can, and the serenity to accept the things I can’t***

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