Do you remember the time when you were a kid, where kids can simply befriend and un-friend someone just because of some small matter, such as not bathing, not cool enough to be in the gang, being poor etc.? They shunned a friend because others shunned him/her and were afraid that if they didn’t follow suit, they would be left out as well.
Now that we are adults, perhaps some still do this but not as rampant as those days. Now, we had the choice to pick our own friends. If can’t click then it will be just a ‘Hi-Bye’ friend or we won’t even bother to say a ‘Hi’. We can afford to be more ‘real’ now.
Ytdy I happened to read Kel’s blog, which he hadn’t updated for quite some time now. Went through the poem he wrote. Appreciated it. He might have forgotten about the poem but I always appreciate whatever my friends had done for me. I still keep the cards and postcards that my friends gave me.
Kel had always been a good friend of mine. He is good in chatting online not via face-to-face conversation just yet. Ganbate Kel. Glad to know you are doing good too. It was his poem which prompted me to write this post. Here, I would like to share the poem he wrote:
A bouquet of wordsThis gift for my very dear friendTo celebrate one of the daysThe day of your birth The day of your birthTruly a joyous occasionWhen, I hope your wishMay come true May come trueBe it your career, health,Or romanceYou are indeed precious You are indeed preciousAt least for this authorThis author recallsAs far as he can remember As far as he can rememberPerseverance through your trialsWhat a remarkable characterThough not without faults Though not without faultsBut the faults, human they makeThese characteristicsMake you whole Make you wholeAlso, this author is convincedYour experiences in lifeOne which needs to be celebrated One which needs to be celebratedWith this the poem endsThis gift for my very dear friendA bouquet of wordsI didn’t really think much about the poem at that time but merely appreciated his warmth in making my birthday more pleasant. Knowing that you have friends who care for you is definitely bliss. But now perhaps after having endured some obstacles within these 2 years of working, I bolded this:
As far as he can rememberPerseverance through your trialsWhat a remarkable characterThough not without faultsI loved this. Kel had been advising me on and off and he was one of the few friends where I can openly debate on our different mindset and yet not getting offended. Very true indeed. He is like a walking encyclopaedia to me, and I appreciate it when he ticked me off for being lazy.
I can’t remember what kind of perseverance he meant though, or was it just meant as a kind of flattering to make the poem sounds nicer? And I definitely admit that I have my equal shares of faults to learn from such an interesting journey the life has to offer to me.
Another friend would be Deepak. It’s more towards teasing and criticising each other but hey, where is the fun without someone being our target right? He was very willing and please, please don’t be fooled by his so-called innocent look. After all, he was the one who started the teasing in the first place (if my memory didn’t fail me).
We merely paid back! Kim too was very real. She is very outspoken and straight cum naive. It was fun listening to her voicing out her opinion and yet grew doubtful a bit when we all looked at her one kind. Haha…
CMY is definitely my beloved friend. I made it a point to meet up with her at least once a month. Sometimes we meet every weekend, for Tokun or laksa and will update each other on our progress in life. She is very adamant with her goal, stubborn sometimes but who don’t? We stay stubborn when we think we are right.
People say I am stubborn too sometimes. In a way, is that called persistence? I admire her strong determination and she is a tough girl. I wonder who is tougher? ^^ But she needs to learn to socialize more. Perhaps she will after she works. I rmber last time I was also like that a bit.
Turtle group, Wood Tech gang, Random group, Kulim group, thanks for the presence in my life. Thanks to all the friends whom I didn’t mention here. Each one of you left a deep imprint in my heart as there is always something which I can learn or remind myself of from each of you.
Every now and then, I will keep in touch with those ‘long time no see’ friends even if it’s only once a year. It takes effort to stay in touch you know? I cherish the moment we had and will continue to be. It’s a wonder how you manage to be closer to others after you work. A close friend of yours now might not even be a ‘Hi-Bye’ friend of yours back in school days and now, everyone can chat as if they had known each other for years…
> 07.10.2010 (CMY)
thanks for the “compliment”….^o)…..u r tougher…> 07.10.2010 (Pheo)
they are true, u don’t have to double quote them 

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