26 June 2011

My fascination with turtles

Today I went to Pantai Keracut for hiking with my fellow friends. And a trip to Keracut is never complete without visiting the so-called turtle sanctuary. Took quite some photos about turtles, which prompted me to write this post.

See? One look at the fence is sufficient to tell u that u have reached the turtle sanctuary, and I super love this fence.

These are erected to prevent the newly-hatched turtles from heading straight to the sea.

Each 'cage' is clearly identified on the laying date of the eggs etc, to clearly define each batch of hatched turtles.

Obviously that's not me taking the photo :)
There are quite a few of those 'cages'.

There was a demo on how the baby turtles crawl out from the hatched eggs, up to the surface. We were told that the temperature of the sand is imperative. If the temperate is not suitable, the baby turtles could even die during their quest to the surface.

Hatched baby turtles will be kept in a small container in the sanctuary for 1-2 weeks time before they are being released into the sea.

Those who know me well will know that I really like turtles. Why? Cos they are cute. And actually the only animal which I can draw decently where others can recognize easily is turtle. So that's why I like it so much. Even my email and my blog has the word 'turtle' in it. And oh... I always ask friends to get me something to do with turtles when they are travelling elsewhere.

See? Thus far, these are the turtles I managed to collect, by requesting my friends to buy for me when they travel out-station, only when they asked "What do you want?" of course. Oh ok, even when my close friends didn't ask, I will put up the request if they go to beaches, cos I know it would be easy to find there. But u know what is more fun? When my friends buy for me when I least expect it. E.g. Mei Yong, she took her own initiative to buy turtle necklace and turtle key-chain when she went to Malacca and Sarawak previously. Thanks a lot, Mei Yong!

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